Adipem Nothi wrote:While skipping over the "port naow" posts looking for something worth reading in GD, it occurred to me that the lowest moment in Dust's history -- the infamous Rouge Wedding -- was in fact nothing short of a port announcement!
More content.
Sexier graphics.
Better framework.
Fewer middlemen.
Presumably less lag.
Larger potential playerbase.
Etc ...
... and we freakin' crucified the dude.
If Rouge waltzed in today and announced the very same thing he announced in 2014, we'd hail him as hero and savior.
No, the reason we "freakin' crucified the dude" was because he announced that they were basically ditching not only our community but all of our progress in Dust and moving to PC.
None of the Round Tables where they confirmed that our progress would be kept and that this was actually aimed at the current playerbase were streamed on Twitch.
Therefore the only thing seen by all of us watching the stream and not in attendance in Iceland was that we were all being ditched in exchange for the PC crowd while the Twitch chat was spammed with "PC MASTER RACE" and how all of us who currently play the game never deserved it in the first place.
THAT is why we all got pissed.
Personally, I went down to my PS3, logged into Dust, and ranted with my Corp members for almost 10 minutes straight before I finally calmed down enough to come back upstairs and watch more of the stream.
I still firmly believe that the acceptable platform migration is to PS4 because this game already has an honestly fanatically dedicated community on PSN and many of those people don't own a gaming PC or even a PC of sufficient strength to play this game were it to be mirgrated, thereby necessitating that they either spend at least $600-$800 (Don't even come at me with that $400 gaming PC bullshit, because we all know it's just that) to acquire a PC just to play this game, or else they're just out of luck.
Upgrading to the next console has been a reality of console gaming for years, and you'd have a damn hard time finding anyone who currently still owns a PS3 who would be mad about the game moving up to PS4 for the sake of improvement and more content. That's what console games do, and have done since consoles were first made.
I think CCP's original concept of creating a New Eden themed game for console gamers to bring a brand new group of gamers into the New Eden world was an excellent idea, and I don't think they should ditch that just because it's easier. Since when does CCP not do things the hard way just to show that they can? Seems to have worked pretty well for EVE Online so far.