I've expressed this often in the past: Before the Matchmaking Engine, before the pricetag reduction of your typical gear, this was an impressively unsympathetic fighting game that, no matter how often it let you grab your gun and try again, left you with sand in your face and friction burns!

It made you bow down like a whipped warriorGǪ
Whether you hated it and decided to put the game down,GǪ or you "hated" it like the habit-fix you would steal your boyfriend's wallet to get some more of it (

!!), you HAD to respect its pioneering brutal attitude toward anyone trying to play it.

Now, Matchmaking has made a large contribution toward making things splendidly softer for players to have fun against players more their "speed".
This is great, but I've also felt that the double result of better matchmaking AND 2013's price drop on all gear/vehicles, COMBINED,GǪ has made this game TOO soft now.
We shouldn't lose that potent "Reward-vs-Risk" dynamic that is the hallmark of EVE gameplay (whether we're Capsuleers or Clone Mercs).
I have a copy of that "Pay My Price, and I'll Strike Down the Heavens!" promo video,GǪ which showed the prices the way things used to be: HAVs at 1,400,000 ISK, an Assault dropsuit (a DROPSUIT!!) at 375,000, and a whole MCC at 120,000,000 ISK.
When you lost a vehicle back then, it shook you to the bone and made your teeth hurt-----I LOVED that!
I don't suggest we restore the old costs (yuck), but I do suggest that raising the pain of combat, and raising the tension of tachtical decisions in the matches, to bring some of the necessary roughness back to gameplay.

I'd like to propose raising the cost of typical gear/vehicles back up, to about 70% of what they used to cost back in 2012.

I propose restoring the information relayed to us during our RDV calls, so that once again the voice includes "ETA, 15 seconds", as a way of restoring some of the nervous tension in the matches.

Restore longer War-Room time before the battle (what we know as Warbarge Lobby). This should occur for every match type except Pub Skirmish. We need to return some of the opportunities for strategy and team preps again.

Give each player one free "Leave the Battle" or AFK-kick moment per day. After the one time, if a player leaves or is auto-kicked, deduct 2500 LP from EACH of the Factions in her account, OR reduce her Rank Standing by 20% in each Faction category.
I'd like to see some of the sweaty-palms nervousness, and hot-under-the-collar decision-making that once helped make Dust so RISKY and challenging to participate in. This game has gotten easier in some fun and needed ways. So we can afford to re-infuse some of the devilish EVE risk element that EVE Dust 514 was meant to have.