Sicerly Yaw
Corrosive Synergy No Context
Posted - 2015.08.26 01:12:00 -
[1] - Quote
I'm sorry to say this but you are completely wrong, the matchmaking is not based on the connection of the players and many players that switch servers can be placed in your game even if they have insanely high ping this fact alone disproves what you are saying
but as to your question players that don't lag can easily get accustomed and learn to be better players, however if you lag every other game or just at those moments when it matters there's no way you can easily improve not only that but it can be counter productive as AA is using it makes you aim differently then you would to actually hit a player its almost a completely different play style
skill based matchmaking is arbitrary in the past there was in fact no matchmaking formula players would simply be fielded as needed this created a sever imbalance were the majority of games were always one sided however player back then were more likely to be AFK rather then leave the match altogether
now as to how the matchmaking works is based on skill level and a lot of other factors, the main premise is that you are given a score in something called Mu the players get pooled together according to their score, this is as much as I know and everything may not be correct but its something along those lines rather then your connection
now your misconceptions as big or small as they may be have little to do with as to why matches end up 7/14 or complete stomps and such, matchmaking is in part responsible but it all comes down to the player base we have enough people playing in fact we have more then enough people playing such is evident by the amount of people complaining in the first place
the problem lies in how each player deals with opposition, many players are likely to leave a match in search of an easier one this causes certain problem, the first being inflated mu, stats second being no opposition so players get stuck in a match these players usually wait till the end to receive a reward rather then cancel out to find another match leaving a good amount of players stranded not being able to queue up because their opposition chose to leave making them complain about empty matches and the others to complain about not being able to get into a match because "there aren't enough players"
if your opposition is compromised of a small bracket of 300 and 280 of them are stuck in empty matches you get wonky things like 4 v 10 and other stupid matches as such then you get people complaining even tho they are likely the culprits due to leaving matches early for whatever reason and only trying to fight easy battles as well as inflating their Mu scores to get placed with people that they know they cant win against due to this making them leave even more battles and making them complain more and more
it is rare but at times I come across a perfect match in which my opposition and allies are both skilled and are both willing to fight tooth and nail not only that but because they are playing the game as they should and doing everything they can to reduce lag such as only playing in their designated server and deleting all mails and fixing their setting and such it turns out to be a great match in which the game end up close in both MCC health and clones as well as being relatively lag free, I recognize these players because a lot of them are semi active in the forums willing to help and seeking help themselves to improve rather then complain about everything, rare as it may be that is what we should all be striving for rather then complaining or abusing the in game mechanics to win
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