Galm Fae
Eskola Ergonomics
Posted - 2015.08.14 05:51:00 -
[1] - Quote
Ohhhhhhhhh finally a thread that I can look forward to reading. Growing up with my friend Morgan, we had to learn to cook for ourselves if we wanted to eat at all. We started off by watching recorded reruns of Gallente cooking shows, then applied what we learned to the cheapest Caldari ingredients we could salvage. That being said, my particular expertise is somewhat limited to fried station streetfood and noodles seared in a dirty pan. Basically standard Caldari comfort food. Beef, chicken, goat, duck, water chestnuts... dog... If I could get my hands on it you bet your ass I could transform it into a killer bowl of ramen or yakisoba. Always with some sort of fried meat on a stick on the side.
Ugh... Damn it all, I think I'm actually starting to miss station street food. Morgan however was always far more refined with his cooking and eventually taught himself the art of preparing raw fish over cold sticky rice. He always said that when it comes to fresh sashimi, accept no super-market substitutes vice working with your own two hands. It's too bad he became a capsuleer, the boy probably could have opened up a restaurant if he wanted to. Perhaps one day I can convince him to do so, if only as a pet projects.
At more formal events, particularly business meetings, my experience falls short. I can only cook greasy garbage and Niina burns everything she touches, so more often than not we just settle with making an appetizer plate with Amarr cheeses and long-limb fish roe. It's easy enough to serve, and it satisfies my borderline fixation with fine caviar, meats, and cheeses. With a vegetable plate on the side of course and a large bottle of spiced wine.
Which leaves me with beverages I suppose. I enjoy a fine selection of teas of course, but I very much doubt anyone here would be thrilled to hear me ramble about the exact nuances of Caldari tea practices. That being said Niina might be a horrible chef, but she was a bar tender for several years and learned a few specialties of her own that I absolutely adore. Please don't expect me to recalled these proportions perfectly, but I will give it my best shot:
Atom Bomb: 1/2 oz Absinthe 1/2 oz Brandy
Amarr Victor: 1/4 oz Rose Water 2/3 Wild Hibiscus Syrup Muddle with Mint and sugar Fill with Champagne (or Gin) Top with an unfolded rose bud
Wetgrave: A flute of Champagne A dash of Absinthe 1 Sugar Cube Pour over the sugar cube into the Champagne until cloudy
77: Half a glass of cheap spiced whiskey Half a glass of ginger ale or lemon lime soda
Corrosion (or the 514): 1.5 oz gold rum 3/4 oz triple sec 6oz citrus energy drink Place a maraschino cherry in the bottom of the glass Hold on to your ass
Of course half the time I'm just drinking my whiskey straight anyway, but it seems like an entertaining art to experiement with. Besides, if you must choose a medium to express yourself it might as well be one that gets me drunk. That being said, if you have absolutely no regard for your own life I developed a special beverage of my own that will guarantee you're on your feet and ready for deployment.
I'm serious about this, I made this from a dark place. Enjoy at your own risk.
The Pixy Highball: Pick an inexpensive glass Cover your face with a wet rag before mixing Fill your glass with 2 oz of Drop Add 4 oz of Mindflood Mix in a Nerve Stick until dissolved Remove your rag and smash the glass across your face Chase with a shot of Frentix
Kirjuun! Uakan!
Kanpai kameitsamuu!
Ra ra ra!
> --Killer of Snowfall Station--

Galm Fae
Eskola Ergonomics
Posted - 2015.08.14 06:58:00 -
[2] - Quote
Robert Conway wrote: This... This was beautiful. I would love to see more of this. I love recipes. And Galm... When was the last time you had your death concoction?
The last time I had a Pixy Highball? A couple of months ago actually, but before that I hadn't had one for nearly two years. It's a rush, sure. On more than one occasion it actually stopped my heart for a couple of seconds, and it'd kill a man if he doesn't have the same combat nanites in his system like we do to repair the immediate damage.
Smashing the glass on your face is necessary to rub the solution into you quickly so you don't pass out while you're doing it, and the cuts from the glass helps get some of the non-contact drugs dissolved in the Drop to seep in. The nerve sticks are to stop the shaking enough so you can fight, and keep you from having a heart attack. The Frentix is obviously for the pain of ramming this thing into the bridge of your nose.
If you got the balls for it though you have about an hour long rampage through your own little kaleidoscope world that you won't have to worry about remembering once it's all over and worn off. It was perfect for getting me jacked before a pit fight for the Guristas. Normally when you take Drop you enter a state of dementia where you think that you're fighting for your life against some sort of monsters... On a Pixy Highball you feel like you're winning that fight.
Kirjuun! Uakan!
Kanpai kameitsamuu!
Ra ra ra!
> --Killer of Snowfall Station--