Sicerly Yaw
Corrosive Synergy No Context
Posted - 2015.08.06 02:49:00 -
[1] - Quote
so looking at the stats along with the time that I have been here along with many others that have been here longer then I, it seems that as far as MU goes I get placed with many of the high ranked players, taking into account my own skill as a player which I don't take to be too high even at my most serious moments (I'm good but certainly not great) I get placed with high ranked players high kd high wp high w/l
even before MU around 6 months into playing dust I was getting placed with these people, perhaps not as often or even that much at all maybe 1 in 20 games or more now its 1 in 10 or less
as a solo player taking account my own skill and that of high ranked players (which mainly run full squads almost exclusively)
I get fairly good scores going up against some of these players yet other times up against complete randoms I seem to do poorly, perhaps not to bad compared to others but certainly not well, which leads me to believe other factors may be at play other then the obvious things that tend to happen such as lag
my main concern are things such as ping, low internet speeds affecting some players in a positive way, and other things such as exploits
but putting aside random players that don't seem to matter much as they don't affect their team overall in a positive way, against some of the top players at least the ones on the leader boards that got there mostly legity I don't do too bad in fact sometimes I seem to do even better then them at times killing their whole squad with minimal help from my team, taking into account that and the fact that they run over me just as much skill level seems to not matter as much as it used to as far as it goes for solo players
so overall I am thinking how are these guys up on the leader boards while I seem not to do as well when my skill seems to at least be enough to compete with the top players, that brings me to my point winning or even doing well in a match seems to be more about squading up rather then actual skill or tactics although they do make a difference not as much as squading up with decent players, so I would like to try out a limited time game mode under the special contracts tab that does not allow squads to see how much of an impact it makes
TL:DR - if this is you then this thread doesn't concern you
getting onto what I'd really like to talk about tho is player skill vs time played and who the best team players and 1v1 players are in the eyes of the community
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