Dominion of the Supreme Emperor God-King KAGEHOSHI
Posted - 2015.08.01 07:38:00 -
[2] - Quote
Jack the Rlpper wrote:KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf wrote: I used my MK.0 Assault and Boundless Combat Rifle but it was a really good battle for once both teams fought hard and pushed like hell i just did a lot of moving around for once which was really different for me since i like to stay still and tank hits and dish damage out. Also can yo send my a dust mail when you get on again with a detailed explanation on how to properly name fits based on tier,price,role,job,type, and function please.
I won't be on for a while, so I'll just post it here.
There's no right way to do it, so just do what works for you. The way I do it is I start with the type of dropsuit. AS being assault, SE being sentinel, LO being logistics, SC being scouts.
I'm actually thinking of changing that to start with a letter denoting frame size, followed by a letter denoting specialization, so "MB" would be medium-basic frame, "MA" would be medium-assault, "ML" would be medium-logistics, "HB" would be heavy-basic frame, "HS" would be heavy-sentinel, "HC" would be heavy-commando, etc. The point of this would be to make sure i group suits by frame size since the spawn menu doesn't organize them by size the way the fitting menu does.
After labeling the type of suit it is, I add a number to signify the tier. 0 is militia, 1 is standard, 2 is advanced, 3 is prototype, 4 is officer (maybe includes experimental also? IDK). So an advanced logi fit would start with "ML2."
I like to know my total HP (usually just for comparing fits I'm making to judge HP tradeoffs), so after the initial suit type letters and tier numbers, I have the total HP in parentheses.
For the content of the fit, what's important is that you understand your own code. I used to name my fits with acronyms for the guns, equipment, and grenades. I also add numbers (0-4) on the guns to describe the tier. Example: ML2 (630) aSCR2/bSMG2-NH/DU/AS-fG This fit has an advanced assault scrambler rifle (aSCR2), an advanced breach SMG (bSMG2), a nanohive (NH), drop uplink (DU), active scanner (AS), and flux grenade (fG). I never placed tier numbers on grenades and equipment because of space limitations, but it's an idea you can use.
I found that highly specific method to be ugly and sort of pointless -- I'm familiar with my fits enough that there's no need to be so specific, so I shifted to using cool-sounding faction-fitting descriptive terms to describe fits. In the fit "Archon Impaler" for example, the word "Impaler" is chosen because it's a scrambler rifle fit, and scrambler rifle shots look like spears of light, and spears impales people.
I end my fits with a number representing the price tag in thousands, and I always round up to the first decimal, never down. So a fit that cost 18,110 ISK (or 18.11K ISK) would just be rounded up to 18.2. This is to save space, and also because I would rather overestimate my losses than underestimate them.
So a fit might look like this: MA1 (788) "Archon Impaler" 18.6 -or- MA1 (788) SCR1/bSMG-AS-aG 18.6
Your fit names don't have to look like these, as long as you know what's in them, and you like how they're organized (for example, you might want to organize them by tier, so you start the type with numbers representing suit tier).
Here are the words I use in my fits, and what they mean.
(1st letter is race, followed by type of suit (basic medium, assault, etc)) LIGHT ..........MLT-ADV.......................PRO...................................ROLE C SC: Spectre Vanguard ---> Spectre Rashomon ------------ (EWAR, uplinks) C SC: Spectre Infiltrator -----> Spectre Goryo ------------------- (full EWAR, remote explosives) C SC: Covert Insurgent ------> Covert Shinobi ------------------ (moderate stealth, shotgun) C SC: Striker Enforcer -------> Striker Chokuto ------------------ (heavily-shielded, slayer) C SC: Soaring Crow ----------> Soaring Tengu ------------------ (jumper, explosives)
MEDIUM ..........MLT-ADV.......................PRO...................................ROLE M BA: Sebiestor Shaman --> Sebiestor Hel-Seidr ------------- (shielded, medic)
M AS: Thukker Stormfoot --> Thukker Sleipnir ------------------- (jumper, MD) M AS: Vherokior Vigil -------> Vherokior Ravensight ----------- (balanced shield/armor, scanner) M AS: Nefantar Vanguard -> Nefantar Spearhead ------------- (armored, EWAR, damage, slayer, uplinks) M AS: Krusual Spiritwalker > Krusual Draugr -------------------- (stealth EWAR, cloak)
A AS: Archon Impaler ------> Archon Crucifier -------------------- (armored, damage, SCR, scanner)
A LO: Alchemist Physicker > Alchemist Lazaruian -------------- (armored, medic/support) A LO: Aeon Ascendant -----> Aeon Seraph ------------------------ (jumper, injector/uplink/scanner) A LO: Gnostic Geometer ---> Gnostic Voidseer ------------------- (armored, uplinks/scanner)
HEAVY ..........MLT-ADV.......................PRO...................................ROLE M BA: Thukker Cyclone ----> Thukker Warstorm --------------- (speed, aHMG)
A CO: Paladin Archer -------> Paladin Sagitta ------------------- (aSCR/sniper) A CO: Paladin Lancer -------> Paladin Longinus ---------------- (aSCR/laser) A CO: Paladin Annexor -----> Paladin Conqueror -------------- (aSCR/MD) A CO: Paladin Destroyer ---> Paladin Annihilator -------------- (aSCR/AV [swarms]) A CO: Pladadin Gladiator --> Paladin Executioner ------------- (aSCR/CR)
A SE: Praetorian Warden ---> Praetorian Tyrant ----------------- (armor, HMG) A SE: Abbadon Destroyer -> Abbadon Annihilator ------------- (AV [aFG])
Gû¦Supreme emperor god-kingpÇÉKAGEH¦PSHIpÇæ// Lord of threads // Forum altGû+