Summary: My Official Goodbye to the Forums and Friends
I would like to start off by saying that I am a very bad forum poster and an even worse troll. I tried my hardest to fit in with you guys but I only succeeded in being sl_tty, (what happens when a girl tries being one of the guys) annoying, and a try hard. When I wasn't pleasing anyone I would then get butthurt. Pretty pathetic, eh?
Most of you are right. I have been insane; namely with insecurity and jealousy. I get majorly sensitive about stupid stuff.
The worst part? On a video game.
Anyways, I just went through every single post ever written in the war room while listening to music. Seeing all the stuff that happened before me gave me a bit of a reality check. I am not nor have I ever been the sh!t. The greatest things I have done on this game is meet some pretty awesome people, get to know you, and make friends.
I've also gotten to relive some good times. Me back when I was less defensive and lost friends who once defended me when I got in a bit of a mix with some bad personalities. Thanks to the heroes.
For those of you who do not know me: I am sorry for the post. I can assure you it is not to get attention but to make peace and say o/. Also, f_ck you people who took the time out of your day to come up with so many damn rumors about me... Lol where do you find the time?! Thank you though, you proved to be useful. And sorry for whatever I did or didn't do to inspire negative feelings about me.
For those of you who do know me: It's been great! I'm sorry for the times I lost myself and it affected any of you negatively and thank you for not giving up on my temporarily dumb ass. *hugs*
I have been a corp hopper and a rage quitter and while I could give you legitimate excuses for my conduct, it stands. The only thing I regret in game was not going down with my ship. Actually, the mature thing to do would have been to hand the reigns over and leave when my internet went out. Shout out to HvLP!
I am happy though that it led me to FA. Great guys actually, although I won't lie I hated every single one of them in the beginning just for being FA and Zatara pissed me off the moment he stole my kill in PC on usuckatdust with his beloved core nades. :P Thanks FA.m.
I won't drag this on any longer.
It's been great. O/*
**** you, READ IT! <<< Courtesy of Tom The MySpace Guy