*Grabs Mina's face*
Look at me Mina. You and I need to work together to make the most badass Caldari special operatives for Lore support that we can imagine.
Though admittedly the idea of a specific Caldari task force for the entire state is a bit troublesome, since individual companies all have their own individual paramilitary organizations all serving individual goals.
Originally the closest thing the Caldari had were the Templis Dragonaurs, who acted as highly skilled insurgents and commandos for the Caldari Expeditionary Forces. They did everything from training to espionage, and the collapse of the Provost regime forced most of them out of office and likely left a massive power vacuum in the state for a unified inter-corporate task force to provide elite operatives.
Oddly enough, I the way I see it this Task Force would function more like a UN coalition type force where you see people drafted from the Ishukone Watch, Home Guard, and other private military companies to aid in an advisory capacity for the State Peacekeepers. After the Providence Directorate finally fell, I doubt anyone in the State would be particularly happy with a unified government trying to consolidate power into a join military agency like the Caldari Navy. It would also serve to make Caldari special operatives characteristically unique from any other potential tier one operatives in the other Empires.
That being said, the exact naming of this sort of agency would be tricky but I have a few suggestions on how to start. First is the most obvious:
Task Force ____________ <---- Insert Psuedo Finn name here
It's everything right there on the tin, an elite joint task force built out of the best operatives from different corporate entities. Alternatively:
__________ Pathfinders
Besides the connection it bares to the elite Canadian Pathfinders (who are just plain badass even if there isn't a direct connection to the Caldari) I really like the implications it has to continuing the legacy of the Caldari Expeditionary Forces before they were reformed into the State Peacekeepers. On the surface, the Pathfinders could be shock troops ready to deploy in small teams at a moments notice to secure an area of the Peacekeepers. On the other hand, this could just be a front for 'go into an area and train and arm insurgents so we have a reason to go in and keep the peace.' There are plenty of ways you could spin it depending on your opinion of the Caldari.
___________ Highlanders
Though it isn't exactly stated, I've personally always felt a deep connection existed between the Caldari history and that of the Scottish. This title would also serve as a reference to the success of Operation Highlander as a sort of tongue-in-cheek reminder never to fail in the defense of a Caldari planet ever again.
Personally I'm a fan of:
Task Force Perkele (Perkele was the Finn god of thunder, which highlights the role of shock troops to these forces.)
Task Force Ookami (The japanese world for wolf, which highlights traditional caldari wolfpack tactics.)
Suribachi Pathfinders / Suribachi Highlanders (In honor of the battle of Iwo Jima)
Goryo Highlanders (I'm gonna side with Jerry. I like the term Goryo, but I have mix feelings about calling an elite strike force simple 'enforcers')
Simo Pathfinders (In honor of the legendary Winter War sniper nicknamed 'White Death' by the invading Red Army)
Alternatively we have the names of special forces from the nations that the Caldari were born from. These include:
Teishin Shudan commandos of imperial Japan.
Or alternative the J+ñ+ñk+ñrirykmentti of the
Utti Jaeger Regiment, but suffice to say this is a mouth full so it might be best to settle for simply 'Jaegers' which still sounds pretty badass to me.
Really any combination of these ideas would make me happy. The ethnic background of the Caldari is something really important to me, and I would be overjoyed if CCP would take these ideas into consideration when forming this living world that we all enjoy.