Thokk Nightshade wrote:So, now that we have slot optimization, people have a natural tendency to want to fill every slot even with lower gear to max out potential. Becsuse of that, each suit (outside the protos) is going to be costing more money when it is lost.
That said, I think there needs to be a bump in payouts (there should have been a long time ago. This is just one more reason.) If I am 4th on the winning team in WP, I don't understand how 9 kills and 4 assists in a regular ambush equals a 145k payout.
Next match, get stomped, go 1/6 with 120 WP and get a payout of 142k.
Here is my suggestion for bumping payouts to be fair to everyone on the team as long as you are trying to contribute.
They need to have a baseline of, say, 200k. If you have either:
1: 300 WP
2: A combined total of kills and deaths of 4 or higher (you may die 7 times without killing someone and earning no WP but at least you are trying.
You will always get a minimum of 200k of you meet one of the two parameters. Then take the WP and multiply it by 150 and add them together.. This would put 3000 WP at the base of 200k + WP bonus of 3000 WP x 150 = 450k for a total of 650,000.
Even if you only contribute 500 WP, with the baseline you are still banking 275k. This is a substantial enough boost that even getting protostomped will net some money.
To prevent absolutely absurd payouts, a stepdown approach can be implemented. Above 3000 is x 75. So if you had, say, 6000 WP.
3000 WP x 150 = 450000
3000 WP x 75 = 225000
So now you have the baseline of 200k + the 675k for 6000 WP for a total of 875k. That is perfectly reasonable for a 6000 WP match.
To assist the slayers (since this would benefit Logis the most since WP is easiest to come by for them) have a payout bonus of 5k per kill. 50 kills is 250k plus the WP payout. WP for 50 kills is 2500 WP which would be 375k. 375k + 250k for the kill bounty + 200k baseline is 825,000, which I feel is reasonable foe a 50 kill match (add in kill assists, hacks, etc and that could go up even more.
This can scale up and down so even the person with 5 kills and 300 WP is getting rewarded sufficiently for his/her efforts.
I am just tired of playing a whole match and, due to whatever reason, being 9th on the leaderboard with 530 WP and getting an 82,000 ISK payout.
The negative of this is the blueprint loophole. Die 4 times in a free suit, 200k pure profit. However, someone can do that now and, depending on the match, can get a patout of 130k.
The baseline of 200k is just spitballing to give some ideas of how it would work. All I know is I am tired of 65k or 102k payout just because one logi w/ a reptool racked up 5000 WP.