Grupo de Asalto Chacal Rise Of Legion.
Posted - 2015.06.30 23:33:00 -
[1] - Quote
Recently this thread came up. In it Kain Spero proposes to allow platoons (16 players) to be able to enter FW. In other words, team deploy. A number of players quickly started to make arguments either in favor or against this idea. I have to say, both sides have good points to back their position. I dont want to pick a side, but since both have players with the clear intention to help the community and the game move forward, i-Śll give suggestions on two mechanics both sides agree need to be reworked
FW Matchmaking FW Off map support
In this thread i-Śll focus on the latter and leave the former for another time (Link coming SOON TM)
First to player gained WSs (This aplies to all game modes)
Currently the Laser Warbage Strike (Wich i-Śll use as an example) costs 3.200 WP. Pre 1.2 we had squads of 6. So you could say in a full squad each player had to make 533 WP to call the LWS in.
(For the sake of simplicity from now on i-Śll reffer to fireteams and platoons as squads as well)
I dont know if this is possible but wouldnt it be the most logical option to have this formula:
LWS= (533,3) * (Number of players in squad)
This would make that regardless of squad size, each player had to put the same amount of effort (Or in its deffect, compensate for the same dead weight) to get an OB called in.
Now a consideration
To avoid god level player to start running solo to call in more OBs, the minimun numbers of players rewuired to call in a OB should be 4.
This would balance squad size because smaller squads would have a relative advantage when calling OB, with big squads having the advantage of coordination.
In a less than ideal situation where the above cant be done due to technical limitations, it will be a preset ammount where the maximum number of players the group can hold determines the points required.
So squads would need 2133 to call in a strike Fireteams would need 4266 Platoons would need 8532
This ony applies to FW: Warbage strike will be removed
Now to EVE gained OBs
1-Remove EMP OBs from eve side 2-Make the Warbage strike work the same way it did before, being earned in EVE, not in dust. You know the drill, squad leaders request and EVE pilot decides which target to attack 3-Make a new type of ammo, for the surgical OB. Its earned the same way as the warbage strike, only after 5 minutes instead of 3. Make the surgical OB hit the MCC by default, right when its earned, without the need of a mer calling it in. Damage should be 1/8 of the total MCC health. Only one OB of this kind should be allowed per battle per pilot.
To recap Dusters would be able to earn 3 types of strikes, that would cost the same effort to all players regardless of their squad size. Capsulers would be able to provide 2 types of strike
This would make EVE help relevant without making it OP, and there would be no need to remove NPC OBs from FW, and if team depoy is implemented in FW, small squads would be balanced (In this regard at least) against big squads. Also if a piot holds its own in space but has only randoms in the ground he will still be able to affect the battle, and the same also goes for the mercs that dont have EVE support.
What must, will occur today, but there will always be a tomorrow
Lo que deba, pasara hoy, pero siempre habra un mañana