Fizzer XCIV
Tal-Romon Legion Amarr Empire
Posted - 2015.06.18 08:19:00 -
[1] - Quote
I've been watching you guys, and I have to say, this is my favorite thread to come out of the Locker Room. Makes me realize how ******* amazing a multiplayer mode would be for New Vegas. I think I'll just make a character for SnG. Maybe he will show up in your travels...
Name: Harriot Silvers
S:7 P:8 E:7 C:3 I:5 A:8 L:4
TAG: Guns, Survival, Melee
Perks: Cowboy, Hunter, Grunt, Run 'n' Gun, Rapid Reload, The Professional, Hit the Deck, Center of Mass Traits: Trigger Dicipline
Race: Caucasian
Physical Description: Strong but lean build. Slightly short. Appears to be 40-45 years old.Rough face with lots of acne scars from his youth and a few other scars from his not-so-youth, on in particularly deep one across the bridge of his nose, which broke the cartilage and left the nose slightly bent after it healed. Slight sunburn under his eyes. An almost perpetual squint. Long dark brown hair about 7 inches long in total. Naturally grown out beard, about 1-+ inch long, and has a bit of grey in it. He is clean by wasteland standards, but still a little grimy, perpetually like a man who has been camping and hiking for a few weeks. Is missing two knuckles of his left pinkie finger.
Outfit: Navy and red button-up plaid shirt. Khaki work jeans, the kind an industrial worker would have worn, held up by a belt. Brown combat boots,. Brown leather gloves. Light Body armor over the shirt. A tan canvas satchel held on his left side, with the strap of the right shoulder, over the armor. Dark brown duster with plenty of dust on it, over the satchel. Brown leather pistol holster on his right side, and a black leather rifle holster on his back, next to a sleeping bag. Overall very similar to Ranger Combat Armor in appearance, but not as good as the real thing, because it lacks the high quality armor. Might stop a 9mm or even a .357, but not much else.
Brown Cowboy Hat. Light gas mask on his neck, in case.
Arms: Service Rifle chambered in .44, Hatchet, Ranger Sequoia
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Hired Guard, Mercenary
Affiliation: NCR Citizen. Ex-ranger. Supports NCR overall, but doesn't necessarily do anything strictly for the NCR, unless he is paid. Hates Raiders, Bandits, and other like scum. Wary of tribals.
Standing/Karma: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Gruff and Conflicted Almost like he's been disillusioned, but still wants to hold on to what he believed in. To the point about things. Doesn't like to exchange in small talk.
History: Typical Rancher childhood. Grew up on a brahmin ranch near the north-eastern border in the Sacramento Valley, which is where he learned to shoot, like so many others in the NCR. Wasn't a good enough shooter one day. Ranch was destroyed by Raiders, and he survived by hiding after being shot. Scavenged what he could from the ranch and eventually decided to join the army after awhile of drifting. Excelled in the military. After 2 years of service pushing east, and plenty of pressure from officers and the like, he became a Ranger instead of renewing his deployment papers. Successful Ranger for 23 years. To many mistakes made in the Mojave by the NCR for him to want to continue working for them directly. Still loves his country, but not in the same way he used to. Shows his support for it in different ways too. Wanders Mojave. Does odd jobs and mercenary work. Currently doing bounty work, somewhere.
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