"What's Going on at Home point" -Radar (Home point is being hacked)
"They just showed Up" -Shall Not be named
"So you've had your finger up your ass instead of scanning WTF!!!??- Radar
"No I've been scanning the bridge" - Shall not be named
*Radar Facepalms* *Blitz Rage Ensuses* *Shall not be named leaves battle*
Yo guys Radar is 6-0 Keep it up- Blitz. *orbital noise*
*D3lta Blitzkrieg orbital strike Radar R4D-47*
*Spontaneous Laughter in Coms*
Really Blitz!?

- Radar
*Tibs logs in 4 minutes before deploy against AE*
(In a loopy tone) Hey Guys my roommate and I just smoked so much weed *giggle* I'm so high right now *giggle*. Deploy in PC? *giggle* I'm so high.
After a loss during debrief.
*Incoherent High Pitch Squealing* I was doing everything dropping uplinks, speed hacking, slaying, setting up high ground, what were you guys doing. Like really guys how hard is it to throw an uplink. And how are you guys dying so much like I had 3 OB's dropped just on me. Seriously cmon. -(True 0.H players know)
So I can run Knives right? - Mr Musturd
Oh so your only quick with **** jokes eh?- Radar
Only as quick as you can eat them!- Whataguyttu
*20seconds before boots on ground* God I just took a massive **** what am I doing- Shruiken Iceeye
*Incoherent mic chatter* - Kaotik Krusader
Why the **** is A being hacked KAOTIK- Blitz
I said they were pushing A hard like 1 minute ago- Kaotik
Uplink down- Unique ID
*The only words he ever spoke in PC*
Most memorable battle day before 0.H beats AE B team with clone pack. Sends another clone pack AE A team showed up.
We get off to a good start but AE rallies late in the game. We were cloning them out but each mcc had 7 ticks and AE had 30 clones and had us 3capped. In a press for the city we capped A but feel behind MCC 5 ticks left on our mcc 25 clones and the following Blitz Rage happens.
YOU ******* BETTER REMOVE YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR ASSES AND CAP BRAVO *Two sentences of German spoken that are forever burned in my skull* WE WILL TAKE THIS POINT. SO HELP ME!!! CMON YOU USELESS FAGGOTS PUSH!!!! (I snuck in and secured the hack with 6 0.H covering). We don't deserve to win this that was the saddest point capture in 0.H's history. (0 Ticks to 0 Ticks AE MCC blows up.) DONT BE HAPPY ABOUT THIS. THAT WAS INCOMPETENCE AT ITS FINEST. WE DONT DESERVE THIS. -Blitz
^the only game Blitz was mad because we won.