You have the luxury of being in one of the Top Corps.
I think where the problem lies is when Said Corp "Holding" a district has maybe one or two people in the PC battle and the rest are "ringers" from other Corps. Yes I have seen this on more than one occasion.
If a Corp cant field at least 75% of their team for their own district, they shouldnt be able to deploy.
A simple mechanic like that in the Warbarge screen shouldn't cause any undue lag or delay and would also add a level of complexity by making Corps pick and choose who rings for them more carefully. Only bring in the guys with skills you really need. (Vehicles/Slayers/Logi etc.)
Yes, a "luxury" of being in a top corp. I've seen these "top corps" falter in battle on more than one occasion. My main point is that your success isn't haltered by ringers but your own mentality. You lose and go about blaming it on the ringers.
These "ringers" aren't gods, don't have unbeatable magic powers, one shot wonder weapons, or any number of other crazy ideas you can come up with. In my time with my other corp, DDB, this was always a hot topic for many in leadership. OMG, they brought OH, these guys can't beat us on their own.
Straight from the git go, the mentality was "oh noes, we have a fight on our hands and not a stomp". If we lost it was always the ringers fault. It wasn't the incredibly poor tactics the FC choose to use or their inability to adapt to the changing environment. Not the players on our side that ran off point to chase down kills or do their own thing at their teams expense.
No, it's those ringers apparently, not a failure on your own corps part. I've watched as a team fielded nearly their own 16, few ringers, and watch as we "magically" lose the battle. What then do you blame it on, are you going to finally admit that it's a failure on your part.
Nope, let's blame it on the ringers they brought in that carried their team.
It's the corps with this mentality of "I can't win, cause ringers. OMG if they fielded their own people we would stomp them" Sometimes yes maybe, if they fielded their own. Many times it easily goes both ways. But the instant ringers come in, everyone gets in this "we lost" mentality.
Lose and learn a little. Use what you observed, determine strengths and weaknesses in your tactics. What they did that beat you, ect, ect, ect. If you can't get over losing to strong ringers, you will always and ever be a small and weak corp. Your PC play will always be sub par.
I would suggest que syncing factional or pubs if you want an easy win or "fair" fight. It's the best you will ever do with your mentality about PC fights. Plenty of pub stompers out there, maybe just accept your team is just one of them if "ringers" are what prevents you from making progress in PC.