Aeon Amadi
Negative-Feedback. Negative-Feedback
Posted - 2015.07.11 12:27:00 -
[1] - Quote
Aeon Amadi was born on Intaki Prime with a low birth weight and, being prone to infection, was considered a lost cause in the more rural area of his birthplace. His mother did what any right and proper parent would and fought to keep him alive. As a result, he grew up relatively healthy, and despite his parent's disapproval, left home in his early twenties to join Mordu's Legion. His primary goal was to get a sizable financial backing and get his family away from Intaki Prime - though little benownst to him at the time his parents would never leave the Intaki home world, sealing fate as it were.
Toward the end of his six year contract he experienced a revolutionary turn of events.
While entire constellations away his family's home was invaded by a low-level Serpentis gang, who killed his entire remaining bloodline. While the event itself was traumatic from afar, it was worsened by the knowledge that their bodies were mutilated and piled together with a resin poured over their remains to cement the corpses in place right in the center of the family home. Though he never witnessed it, the visualization clung to memory, and Amadi's demeanor turned largely passive and reserved compared to his prior optimistic and cheerful self.
He had friends in high places in the Legion and silently cashed in on favors, eventually having the gang-members tracked down individually and consolidated (much to the dismay of local police forces). It was after having killed each and every one of them, that Amadi's psyche became completely broken, obsessing over whether or not things would have been different if he had simply never left home. Despite them all being dead, he still wanted revenge, somehow.
That longing for revenge clung to his consciousness and he spent several years in therapy; vaguely alluding to what he had done but never actually explaining it. Due to this, the treatment was lackluster and ineffective, resulting in further social withdrawl and heightened aggression, accompanied by a seemingly never-ending insomnia. This culmination of multiple disorders, which he was genetically pre-dispositioned to from the very second he was born, led to the steady decline of his entire being.
Having gone undiagnosed, his fueled aggression brought him to sign another contract: This one involving experimental infantry clone technology in private trials. Training, trial and error, and baptism by fire crafted a psychopath rather than a soldier - a man who's comrades stayed clear of him for his subtle oddities and growing lack of hygiene. Whenever the bullets started to fly, he heard the mocking, raucous laughter and vulgar, verbal abuse of those (very dead) Serpentis gang members beneath the helmets of his opponents.
Eventually he transcended to become an Empyrean and, strangely, with his transfer of consciousness, the broken wire of his own insanity seemed to follow. He was eventually removed from the Legion for a variety of reasons, none more specific than the fact that he literally believed he was holy Idama - reborn without the use of technology. The coincidence of his name being 'Idama' in reverse only added to this delusion of grandeur.
It doesn't seem to matter how far he goes or how many times he has to kill them, those Serpentis gangers never seem to stay dead for long...
10% of US schools no longer teach Cursive. A decade from now, 10% of the US isn't going to understand all the squiglies.