One Eyed King
Nos Nothi
Posted - 2015.05.28 15:53:00 -
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Luna McDuffing wrote:Akamandon wrote:Luna McDuffing wrote:Hi,
I use the min scout extensively to drop links and hack objectives. This works really well for me and some of my corp mates. As far as this goes I am very happy with my vsrious fits. That being said I often see people knifing with this scout left and right with no problems. I dont have luck. I can get the occational stragler but more often than not the moment right before I strike the coincidentalky hapoen to turn around. Now, when is my turn to do the same I have no luck. So, what is thr secret. How can I be a minja too. Note that I ibly use advance. I die way too much for proto. I do have everthing lrveled to 5 except tge green bottles and cloack. Also knifes are at level 3 proficiency. I'm not a minja but as a heavy I face them quite often so here are my thoughts on your problem. First off do you have your profile dampening skill at lvl 5? If they are turning around on you it could be for a couple reasons, either your popping up on their radar when you get close, or if your using a cloak your uncloaking to close to them, I can hear that pretty good, I can also hear the charge of your knives. So maybe try running a profile dampener and try uncloaking from further away. I do have 1 complex profile dampener and skill level 5. I did not think about the charging knife sound. Myabe I need to charge them at a closer distance. I do decloack like a mile away because it rakes too damn long but, I never though about the sound even though I use the sound to defend against thosr pesky scout. Definitely sonething that deserves more study. For the most part I think it is an issue of plain bad luck. It seems that just as I am about to kill them they tske off running even though I know they haven't seen me. I have chased many people around turning a simple kill into a relay race. This sounds like me when I first started knifing.
Since then, things have gotten tougher.
Even with 2 or 3 Complex Damps, a medium frame will pick you up with just 1 precision enhancer with their inner circle range of EWAR. I think you have to use a pro cloak to beat that, but even then, you have to get in, uncloak, and be vulnerable for 1 to 2 seconds before you can attack.
Myos are your friend, and learn to Raptor Jump. Sprint, jump, charge knives mid air, and release when landing. Aim towards their left side as people automatically will look towards their 6 when you pop up on tacnet, and you won't be there to kill. If they start to turn and notice you early, jump OVER them, turn 180 and knife them in the back as they back into you. Its making the most of a bad situation.
And be careful who you chase. Chasing makes you vulnerable, and unless you are fairly certain you are away from any reds, you should learn to give up the chase if you have a hard time catching up. I prefer attacking a lateral moving target to chasing one vertically from behind. And if you can get just outside their FoV with a cloak, you can come in from the front, so long as you are coming in at an angle they are unlikely to see you from.
Knifing is a lot about making distracted mercs pay. Like snipers, hackers, or people shooting at your blues. Sometimes its suicidal, but that is what makes it fun.
Former CEO of the Land of the BIind.
Any double entendre is unintended I assure you.