Alright lets get right into this. my main account is currently at 'Corporal' (Rank 3 in loyalty rank), anyone who is in a higher rank may be completely unaware of the amount if time needed to pass rank 3. i think it would require roughly 9000/10,000 points to clear as i am a little past half way and still require 4,322 points to get to the next rank. Now that account is over 1year old and has at the moment i write this 36,460,722sp and over 1,300,000 life time wp and well over 1000games played (i use to play for over 50hours a week if i wasn't doing much and that was alot, so i would say if you checked my total playtime CCP (please don and tell me the answer i am curious about it) it would most likely be over 5months of playtime. I also have a positive kdr and a 595 consecutive daily bonus and i dont plan on losing that anytime soon. (now to you all who have 'lives' that is currently the maximum daily bonus available on the current date of 21/4/2015 (or 4/21/2015 if your American) and i earn points per day for collecting my bonus) now taking this all into consideration i have spent $0 on the game and have thought about it but most likely never will. now lets see how this adds up to me only being level 3. im already going to assume i most likely get +1 point/per every day you play so even with my 595dayily bonus I receive +1 point rather than any stacking effect happening or at least a +6 for the max bonus. (by max bonus here i am referring to the reward of 6consecutive days) now anyway how does this all added up only put me at rank 3? i have no idea, something like spending AUR most likely would raise your points by something like 10/1AUR. I'm not saying to change this but why would you think making the trading require rank 3 when a majority of 'weekend warriors' don't play enough or don't spend any real money in the game which instantly results in someone who plays for lets say 4-15hours on one day of the weekend and then x2 = total game play in a week with no days off work or whatever they do during the week would have only played roughly between 8-30hours in a week. no matter how good or how long these weekend warriors have been around there is almost no chance that they would be able to access player trading within their Dust life unless they buy AUR. also with this note of AUR=insta rank up pretty much whats to stop people from spending real money to farm alts? or is this not a problem as its making you a profit? A much more appropriate way of limiting the player trading is by adding restrictions to the amount of trading accounts can do such as the following.
- If player has under x (i would say between 50-100 is fair) days, player cannot send items to other players (so only receives gear cannot send gear and all players would be aware of restrictions when sending items via i color code or message that appears with what the player cannot do in the trading system when another player goes to send them something (prior to selecting items to send because players often spam x alot of the time and the box must be closed by pushing left and then x to insure players know what is happening rather than expecting something in return then complaining they had no idea they were unable to send back)
- possibly only players above x sp (with today's sp gain i would say 10mill but i would have to say 4-5mill is fair for the newer players when/if they come but 10mill would be better in my opinion) would be able to sen (so pretty much same thing as last mail except rather than merc age its sp)
- possibly kills or war points would be another way to implement the restrictions previously mentioned.
- players who have not logged in for 50days+ are unable to receive items. (to prevent sending items to inactive characters and to never receive items back) if a player whom was inactive for 50+days logs in again they will be unable to trade for x days. or without logging in x amount of days within x amount of time.
- A player who has had a temp ban in game (possibly on the forums if it has occurred numerous times) they have a temp on trading.
they are about it for the restrictions i had in mind.
and on another note i noticed someone said something refrencing to animal crossing how you list your item and it goes into a separate section of the market place where players can search for their desired item and the player whom listed it will have a set price or possible trades he wants to do along with an option to message the player. that way of trading is much more efficient then the one proposed by CCP so far but may be difficult for them to set it up. although the players are excited for the trading i hope they are able to realize that you have to make it above average before releasing the feature and im sure they will be able to wait. The system for trading which would be used for the actual trading of gear which would work best would be the 'Pokemon' way which i mentioned in a earlier post that alot of MMORPG's use is the best. both players show gear both players accept trade happens everyone's happy no rip offs unless its your own mistake such as carelessness or lack of value knowledge.
600 characters left i will add another tomorrow.
by the way CCP im pretty sure you have read these so far and i would actually really like to know if you would consider making alot of these changes to the trading system and possibly postpone the release if it is required to completely overhaul the thing and make it better than it is.