The changes which allow
Myofibril Stimulants to increase jump height have been in the game for a bit now so it is time for some community feedback and review.
The following information would be of great use to the CPM in providing further input on the matter to CCP.
Please use the following format for posts and focus posts on your own in game experience
NOT evaluation of the posts of others. There may be a thread in future focused on debating whether or not to change the Myofibril Stimulant, but that is not this thread so please help me keep the work here useful by staying focused on the topic and format.
Primary play mode(s) -
where you spend most of your in match timeDom
Top role(s) used since the change -
roles you use nearly every battle you're inLogi
Have you tried the Myofibril Stimulant since the change? -
a simple yes/no will sufficeYes
- Do you currently have a Myofibril Stimulant based fitting? -
a simple yes/no will sufficeNo
- - Do you use Myofibril Stimulant based fitting consistently? -
In more than 1/3rd of your current matchesNo
How has the addition of Myofibril Stimulant jumping effected your match to match game play? -
please describe your experienceNot really
Do you personally feel the game is more enjoyable now? -
it is completely reasonable for this response to be subjectiveNo. My problem is it's just a bit daft. It's immersion breaking, like wiggle-wiggle strafing. I actually wouldn't mind if it was animated better with a jet pack or something. I concede that they add some interest and variation.
Do Myofibril Stimulant need further tuning or are they fine as is? -
a simple statement is sufficient hereTone them down a little
- If you feel Myofibril Stimulants need a tweak do you desire to see their effects increased or decreased? -
a simple statement is sufficient hereDecrease
- - Please outline the method and reasoning behind any change you would like to see -
please be as clear and specific as possible, simple responses are fine but the more dispassionate you are in the response the more useful your feedback will be.As above
What is the name of your main? -
This question inclined for use in e-mail or those posting on a character other than their main played merc.<<<< = main
Those who, for whatever reason, do not wish to reply in line here may e-mail me their completed template. For those who do not have it my contact information can be located