Consolidated Dust
Posted - 2015.03.20 03:28:00 -
[1] - Quote
If Ratatti and the rest of the team want to make this a great game mode then I suggest them to take notes on how MAG did it perfect but since at that time, SVER and the other factions stomped each other nonestop by flanking one side = mmm not sure how it would work in Dust.
Here are some of my ideas and please use your ideas in this thead. :)
Both teams of 16 vs 16.
One team has to defend two Cargos and these two cargos are Two vehicles that are slow but have a ton of Armor. - 5000 shields and 15,000 Armor.
The Cargo is defended by three blaster turrets and a heavy guarded door protecting the vehicles inside.
The enemy has to hack the control panel in order for the door to open.
The Vehicles have loot such as, random weapons, dropsuits, ISK, and SP.
Once the attackers steal the vehicles they have to take it back to the their spawn and a RDV will grab the vehicle and fly across the map.
Just because the RDV has the vehicle it doesn't mean its immune so the defenders still have a chance to destroy it and if the RDV were to be destroyed then the attackers have to steal another vehicle.
The time limit of the battle should be 20 minutes.
This game mode would benefit a lot in Pubs, FW, and even PC. PC would benefit the most.
MAG Acquisition Raven vs SVER.
MAG Acquiisition Game mode
MAG Acquisition Gameplay Beta :)
Now there is another game mode that this game could benefit and work very well and heck it would be nice for Vehicles.
Known as MAG Interdiction
This game mode was a lot of fun for both Infantry and for Vehicles.
The objectives were simple, Both teams have to capture three points and both teams had a bar of clones so if one team took hold of lets say all letters A, B, and C then the enemy would be forced to take back at least 2 letters to prevent there reinforcement bar from being depleted.
The clone could should be 300 clones and time limit 25 minutes.
Both teams would have Six Vehicles spawned in ( they have to be the Tanks with the small turrets)
and Tanks would be very useful in this game mode because if the enemy is taking B then you and your buddies can instantly call in a Tank, Dropship, Lav ect... and get to the objective quicker.
The tanks automatically spawn so if its destroyed then boom, wait for a while and they spawn again.
This gamemode would be a lot better if you put in the MCRU in your vehicle.
On the end Don't focus on your tank being destroyed and just have fun. :)
MAG Interdiction PRO vs KEQ I remember being in this match :D
MAG Interdiction Game Mode
Another MAG Interdiction
BiGBOSS_UGUR <--- He was always number one on the leaderbordes!!!
I hope CCP can take a look at this and take some ideas. Have a great day.
If you have any questions then comment below. :)
Well time to stomp the SVEr and Valor n00bs lolol jk jk Raven FTW!!!
(Gê¬n+Ç-´)GèâGöüGÿån+ƒ.pâ+n+ín+ƒ. LASERS BTCH!!!!!! Die YOU SHADOW BEING IN THE DARK!!!