Well, I've played a good 30 rounds so far and I have been able to see some of the content that I like and some that ... I do not.
Well I like the format of the rounds. With the MCCs coming in and taking down the defenses. Very Cool.
Also I like the fittings, takes a little bit of getting used to, but being an EVE player it doesn't take too long to realize the CPU and Nanos.
The Graphics are pretty good. And I'm sure that they will probably smooth it out even more before its released.
I'm sure there are more things I like but I want to skip to my dislikes... as there are a few.
I very much dislike the Cross Hairs. I have seen these types of cross hairs on very low budget video games, like Resistance and others. I cant get a good bead on the enemy with just this large green dot in the middle of my screen.
Comparing them to say... Halo , Halos cross hairs are very crisp and defined. I have always loved that about Halo compared to most other FPS.
I hate the melee system. I don't know if I have ever been able to kill anyone with it. It seems like sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And if your are in the middle of reloading. No melee. I feel as though you should be able to stop reloading and defend yourself hand to hand. Also the knife swipe across the screen is not very satisfying.
I absolutely hate driving the vehicles. I feel as though I can't see anything. It's to close to the back of the car and the camera doesn't work very well at all while driving. Also the driving it self feels off. not very accurate. I feel like the car accelerates and decelerates randomly. And in tighter spaces is almost impossible to maneuver.
Also on the Tanks if you are in the Gunner Seat sometimes it will mess up and you can't see anything around the main cannon.
On a different note. I don't really like some of the sounds. I play EVE a lot, and I have become very used to those sounds. Then on this the sounds are very loud and annoying when you click on things and back out of menus. They don't sound like EVE to me.
The fittings need a bit of a tweek also. I like them over all but, I added a Scrambler Pistol of all my fittings. Then in Battle we were about to win. MCC was overhead, near full health. I die and I am out of Pistols. So ALL my fittings are (INVALID) and the computer yells at me for not joining the Battle, and that my unwillingness to fight will be put in my file. I feel there should maybe be an option to go with whatever you've got?
Small note. LAG, I'm sure that this is probably just because its the BETA but wow... Half my deaths are because the person I'm shooting at... is no longer there... where is he? Behind me? Beside me? Who knows? DEAD.
As many people know, CCP is FAMOUS for their technology in anti lag systems on EVE Online. Fleet Battles with no Lag. Or just the trade system Jita with no lag. So I am sure that they will probably get the lag under control.
Well I don't want to sound like all I am doing is complaining. I love the game. I think its going to be even better when it comes out. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
What does everyone else think?