gustavo acosta wrote:It looks as if though this thread has failed to entertain me, though I understand that others do not understand that I am the center of the universe. I am fairly disappointed in the lack of beauty, and articulation that has become of this thread. I may as well listen to sports commentary if this barbaric abuse of the English language is to continue.
Allow me to attempt to give you the great, incomparable, and invaluable aid to what is true Renaissance, if you will. Lend my thine ear, so I may bestow upon thee the fear of not knowing, the desire, and the inability to understand how art is truly created.
Through simple and unimportant sentences I have you taken, without a second thought you know this to be true, my filthy peasant pupils. Though these truths may hurt thou, and confuse what little imagination you may carry in your dense little mind. Whatever prejudice you may carry, whatever ignorant little tick you may have, whatever grotesque form of expression you may use. You shall bow before my knowledge or be doomed to life as a simpleton, not knowing of the universe, the earth, not even of thine own body, that of which a man, woman or child is nothing without.
The duality of this section is truly something to behold, on one behalf you have the blatantly ignorant fools who cannot seem to do any wrong, and simply can't help but let their tongues loose even thought what little they have to say devolves into mere basic and undeniably dull insult, among other things rambling. On the other behalf are the fools attempting to reason with said fools, these fools however have the ability to silence the other fools with a simple wag of the finger. The tragic falter of it all is neither of said fools have the gall, or desire to go against their nature, whether it be the preservation of others, or simply pointing at shiny objects.
Truly a comedy written exclusively by the greatest literary minds of this century and the one before. Before any participation awards are handed out, the execution requires a little work to say the very least, . The concept is structured for all the other little simpletons to rejoice and squawk their words of praise, however there is no gold in pleasing the poor therefore one must demonstrate their superiority in every aspect one can comprehend. Then again, perhaps such superiority simply does not exist, not here at least.
The lack of art, dazzling aesthetics, and very dry writing found in the piece is the most disturbing. Without the proper aesthetics the line drawn between the literate and the peasants is simply skewed and unfounded. Such a great idea cannot simply be dressed in the rags of basic language, though it was crafted and, sparingly, refined by "geniuses." This simply shall not sell to those who matter, how could they even think about laying their eyes upon such a mess?
Let us return to the execution later whilst we enjoy the small details of this epic narrative, they also require attention. On the end of the fools, not the other fools, the blatant narcissism within each line of dialogue explicitly highlights their simple and barbaric intention. Fairly boring, how can one enjoy such a great flaw within the human psyche when it is simply fed to the reader without any need to digest? On the side of the rationally irrational fools, their motives are simply too transparent they even state it in their dialogue. Without any mystery or suspense on either side of these literately challenged factions, how can a connoisseur even think of enjoying such a great tale of unending ignorance. Execution is truly the greatest demon set to destroy this amazingly well thought out design.
If one truly wants to mark the earth in pen, one must break the requirements appropriate to appeal to the commoners and write as an artist rich, and true. I hope these simple complexities I have gifted to you will be treasured in your dense little minds, and perhaps one evening you too shall be able to label yourself as an artist. Though your prowess may never surpass mine, or maybe not even mediocrity, you shall have obtained what great knowledge that I have courageously and
generously given to you. Currently you may not understand it, but at least you tried.
"Don't worry billy-bob you just try your best to un-der-stan-d what I am laying on your tractor."