Radar R4D-47 wrote:This thread is kinda dumb. I wanted to throw a little trivia in to spice it up.
Before Zatara made FA he flirted with 0.H (Tibs). Somehow getting his full support and trust against my advisement.
After Zatara made FA he meta'd his way into getting 0.H (Tibs) to go to war with AE. Since AE was keeping FA off the map.
FA never would have been anything if 0.H (Tibs) hadn't given full backing and protection against AE.
0.H (Blitz) hates FA because after we backed them through their beginnings gave them districts and helped them defend those districts they stabbed us in the back. First joining TSO and using TP/AE to break us down and then joining DNS to wipe us out.
On top of all that after DNS broke up they proceed to lock districs and no show when TP left the game and 0.H still after all that was a top 5 corp.
So there is a little bit of history into the FA/0.H relationship. However I'm sure 0.H after I left did some questionable things. So our hands aren't pearly white either.
Wow...well that's....an interesting re visioning of history.
Actually before I formed FA I was friends with Tibs and OH was playing matches against AE and I was invited to participate (only non corpie in the fights!)
I did tell Tib's once I learned that Eve support would soon be a reality and that RA had it, and saw the relations breaking down (pissing contests in this very war room from back in those days still exist iirc, OH had anticipated AE joining their alliance and Kujo scoffed at it because he told me he thought Radar was POS leader...which later lead to the NS joining OH's alliance for a moment when they were of the understnading AE was joining and then instead went to RA)
FA hadn't attacked any districts or fought against AE aside from ringing contracts...AE wasn't keeping us off the map because the corp was in infancy and we hadn't even discussed gaining districts.
Our opportunity for districts came when Tibs saw the potential danger I did with AE gaining OB support and them hitting OH first.
I supported that decision and stand by it to this day. You can argue whether it was the right decision in hindsight but it's w/e OH went to war.
And the war was close until Radar made a series of fateful mistakes that i've spoken to Tib's about numerous times and he agreed with me...lmao.
Things such as OH burning themselves out fighting AE when they didn't have 2. FA attached themselves to OH and tied our fates by openly declaring we were on OH's side...and working to get people who didn't WANT to side with OH (Babar was furious, can't remember what Dubb's feelings were at the time) to fight against AE.
OH warring with AE was about striking before Eve support came out and OH got wiped out...as I needed allies to fight with me against AE because I'm from TP...and TP and AE kinda got a history if you knew anything about it.

So yeah, OH lost for reasons and FA held their districts...without OH help for 2 weeks until we locked them for Xmas, and then everybody locked up soon after and the cold war started.
OH gave us 4 districts AS PAYMENT for my members waking up day after day playing 12-16 hours a day for OH + alliance.
And guess what?? FA tried to give OH those districts back!
I managed to give them one (1) because they were 2 prideful and Tib's at the time mentioned he wanted to see if OH could even hold one on it's own.
They got immediately attacked by Cubs and I damaged my standings with ERA who I was working to remove AE to defend that district...we were successful. And then when they were attacked again OH refused help and lost it.
I kept close ties to Tib's and offered him more districts, etc.
When Doge came to FA from OH I even turned him away at first telling him that OH was his home and that he could stay there and just ring if he wanted (still have the mail) but he refused.
When ERA swapped sides to remove Tso's (btw...the language of your post seems to indicate that joining Tso's was somehow backstabbing OH?) I called on Tib's to help us out. I wanted to crush them all and I knew that the strongest 5 from OH + FA's strongest would crush ERA...I did not know if FA by herself would crush ERA at the time. (I wasn't going to make the same prideful mistakes Radar had in the winter war by refusing to use the best help he had against ringer teams he was facing)
OH showed up for the first day (was it two?) of battles and then Tib's actually told me he wanted FA to handle it on our own and encouraged me. I took it to heart and FA smoked the **** out of ERA for the remainder of the week.
After that we went to DNS after the corp took a vote to stack DNS in the back (success!) and Tib's was among 3 people out of corp to know along with Cookie and Hawkin.
Tib's knew FA members were told to throw matches against OH and WTF while in DNS even as DNS leadership called us on it and were furious.
I communicated with him the whole time and even made the plans with him to sell all of DNS districts with him and set a date for when I was back from FF. Before that plan went through plan to attack AE was set and I leaked it to Matt and Kujo and told him to swap all his districts to 1200 and go to war...which he did.
Tib's can confirm all of this (I still have my iphone 5 with all these texts on it as well)
So the idea that FA wanted TP/AE to break OH is a farce.
I actually put a lot of eggs in OH's basket only for them to cold shoulder us post DNS for no apparent reason. They never intimated any of these perceived slights.