THUNDERGROOVE wrote:The only two people that farmed 90% of the districts don't play anymore and are sitting inactive with 2b+ in their wallets.
Devin only did Derrith's when he didn't feel like it.
On top of that, you didn't leave because 10%, you left because as AE's old pet corp you couldn't handle having FA above you in percentage. Even if you directly didn't believe that, people can enforce that idea just in conversation about it.
After whining at Hawkin for over a week about getting us kicked, and him telling you guys no because at the time we were the ones bringing A-Team players into everyone else's PC while cap was doing what?
Stop acting all high and mighty because you didn't do the smart thing and farmed. Even just two districts so you can pay your guys after a loss.
Another taker? Batter up. When do I get to bicycle kick
Shang Tsung?
Devin farmed it all....the....time. I logged in many a morning at 1300 before class to flux with him, trying to snipe it. Just because they are "inactive" in no way reduces the crime. The money still has FA all over it. Devin is still on every day. It's certainly much higher than 2bil, and I know many of you probably have lags account (how else could he have the officer RR

If I'm AEs old pet corp, I guess you must be the product of a failed Zion who turned to the corp of AE/OH applicant rejects...did you also get rejected? Zion couldn't even earn its Public Disorder diploma - we graduated to pursue our Renegade Doctrine. Sharing AE's opinion, and I'm sure many others, we can't handle people owning land they neither earned nor deserved.
When exactly did I request you be removed?? We wanted out. The only thing in Tso's that kept us there that long was Hawkin, MP, ratain, DDB/NS, Zatara.
I've yet to see an FA A-team that impressed, met its standard, or followed suit with its own self-hype. Still reminiscing to the nights OH would redline you, and we would face them not hours later and win. Get real, the only A team you were utilized for was to fight lolMH between August and November....without us or OH around, and MuLa blued up. The boots of Tso's in a third world country, congrats.
Again, if I wanted to be "smart" and farm, I very easily could. But I'm not you.