Dust User wrote:E-Rock wrote:
you guys weren't supposed to show up for that battle then you flipped the district, seriously. Hawkin told you guys not to show up and you have to flipped the district regardless. F*uck you guys
Shouldn't have flipped our district on New Year's when we no showed.
Hawkin told us to not show up? Hawkin does not run KEQ and sure as sh*t don't make decisions for us.
As far as I'm concerned it's over. Post some sh*t like this again and things might escalate.
Didn't know that happened over New Year's (if it is even true) because I was in Thailand with my wife. I hardly believe that Hawkin would direct us to take a district unless it was a trade or something like that, especially if it was an supposed to be a no show. When we stomp the hell out of a corp that we are attacking and we have a chance to take a district, Hawkin always tells us that we are not allowed to reattack it even though our corp members will be begging to. From the PC's I've seen in the last months since I joined ML, ML vs KEQ battles are, from what I have observed, almost (and may I stress almost) always Tso's VS RofL i.e. ML has Tso's ringers, KEQ has RofL ringers, with a few negligible exceptions both sides. When you guys took the district the other day when we were fighting all those ToP battles, I was truly surprised that you guys had because it's seemed that when we would fight each other, (I thought that) we did have some kind of gentleman's agreement that when either one of us attacks a district and wins that there will be no reattack/ said district will be taken. I never said that Hawkin ran KEQ, but I was under the impression that the aforementioned gentleman's agreement was in place. Guess that theres no honor amongst thieves, is there?
If we did take a district on New Year's, perhaps there was a lapse in communication between the two corps?! I have no idea. I wasn't at home at the time. I just find it strange that Random Gunz also took a district under the same circumstances (that we were under the impression that they were going to no show though they did and continued to attack it while we weren't fielding a team for whatever reason and took the district) and they are part of RofL. Curious.
Whoever was saying that when we do PCs that we field mostly ringers, is wrong and slanderous. The only time that this is not the case is when there are attacks on stacked timers and, when this situation or one similar does transpire, we will provide ringers because we don't have 32 ML guys online to field two battles at once .When that occurs, we'll pull ringers from Tso's with, once again, a few negligible exceptions.
To return to the original question, "Where they hated?". Before I joined ML and we would fight them, we would know that they would put up a good fight. I can tell you that a lot of guys in my old corp and others hated ML. Yet, other corps in the past were hated far more than ML ever was, in my opinion.