Joseph Ridgeson
WarRavens Capital Punishment.
Posted - 2014.11.30 14:39:00 -
[1] - Quote
It has nothing to do with the technology. The PS2 lasted so very long despite it's predecessor being out for a while; hell, Sony was stealing the market from themselves when the PS3 was launched. With The Great Recession and people still not fully recovered, it will be probably longer until people transition to PS4. The fact that DUST is on the PS3 instead of the PS4 does not really hurt it all that much.
What DOES hurt is that DUST 514 is not a good game. It is an okay game, mediocre really. Sure, you can have some fun with it shooting people but if you are looking for an experience that is "shooting people" there are other games out there that will give a better experience for "shooting people." DUST does offer something different than other games on consoles in regards to the building your characters and fits to do what you want but that takes a fair amount of time and investment in the game to be able to do that. All a new player knows is that they get on the game, use their starter fits, and immediately see that they are unable to kill people at the ranges that they are dying at or "I got the drop on that guy, shot him point blank, and he just turned and killed me!" because they have 1/3 the HP of a veteran in Prototype gear.
"Big deal; I can start a new account and kill people with Militia gear!" And I am sure you also know that the STD tag doesn't mean Sexually Transmuted Diseases, that you cannot kill a Sentinel in close range, and know where to put your points to be most effective in the shortest amount of time. New players don't have that. Think back to where you started playing. Was it beta, to where everyone was fairly close in SP? Did you have a friend that taught you how to play and gave you the tools to learn to play? I know I started about three weeks after the final SP reset so there was only advanced level gear (jeez, the first person to Prototype suit posted on the forums and they had NOTHING else), I had played EVE so I knew how to fit a suit, and I was playing with family so I had a reason to slog through it.
I barely keep playing with the incredible lag, subpar visuals, boring audio, and limited game play and I am a bitter vet. If I didn't have the knowledge I had when I started playing and/or I started playing when Prototype gear was ubiquitous, I likely would not have continued playing this game. I can say, completely honestly, that this game is something I enjoy but it is a mediocre game overall. I cannot see many fresh newbies coming to join and stay in this game as it is currently.
"This is B.S! This is B.S! I paid money! Cash money, dollars money, cash money!"