It would be nice for an open dialogue but lets face it, the "internet" were merciless with Dust 514. Those of us who stuck it out know the game has improved and has depth as FPS. I can see why CCP execs might be ordering the gag. But I don't want to see CCP repeat the same public issues like they did with WOD which I am glad they did cancel, much like I am glad Blizzard canceled Titan. It just wasn't working. But here we have a FPS lobby game that will be on the PC that has potential. Let's say it doesn't get accepted. Eve wasn't a icon when it launched either. I have hopes for Project Legion. I will say this. If 2015 has no public information or dialogue than I will blow this off as an early supporter.
I think it should also be pointed out that games like Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, and even No Mans Sky are going to accomplish game play with their game engines that MMO fans, FPS fans, and Eve fans have been asking for. A complete integrated game play experience with a mix of FPS, RPG elements, and a persistent space and planet experience. This market for sci fi is going to change over the next 5 years in terms of releases. Eve has its loyal following due to PvP and the market, but even now Eve is being made more accessible.
This is what I think about as a fan of New Eden and Dust 514 with with Project Legion. How is it going to give the player an experience of an open world, a open galaxy, and refrain from just being a lobby shooter? Or, should we know that it is a lobby shooter which is fine. How far down the line is this game going to take on an experience of New Eden and a FPS? Personally I can see how it could integrate directly into Eve Online but to be honest...there are kids out there that have access to the Unreal Engine for 19.99 a month who can do the same thing and will with their own projects. That community is huge.
But lets look at the communication so far. They are in a development phase. It has been mentioned they are working on it and can't talk about it. And I will bet you they want too so badly. But I am not waiting like I did with WoD. No frakking way

. Well, back to Eve Online while I patch my PS3, move it to my monitor, and plug in my keyboard and mouse.
Best wishes to the devs working on Legion - go kick some ass! Hey Execs- give us a bone.