General John Ripper
Posted - 2014.10.11 07:58:00 -
[2] - Quote
Mobius Kaethis wrote:Maken Tosch wrote:Immortal John Ripper wrote:no 2.0
Legion won't be released for years. This is true. However, an early access to closed beta for Legion sounds very likely. But CCP will have to be much more stringent on who gets in and who doesn't this time around for that. It didn't go well for Dust's closed beta when anyone with a credit card and ill-intent to violate the NDA and intentionally bad mouth it on YouTube was able to get in. For Legion, CCP will have to vet the players this time around. At this point CCP probably has a pretty good idea of which players are making positive contributions to the games development vs those whose contributions are cancerous. If they intend to go the route you suggest Maken I'm sure they will already have a list of potential testers ready to go.
@Maken a closed beta would be a good way to go in theory.... but that is theory. how large a player base of a closed beta? If it is too small organizing teams for matches would be easier said than done... Also the smaller the player base, the longer they would have to wait for a game(match to start). People will get bored waiting and give up testing unless they are really dedicated. Dust player base has gotten smaller but tbh I think we have just the right numbers for a proper beta test. Closed betas nowadays... ( in my stupid opinion, of course) are used mostly to generate start up income for a game that is near completion but it is also a gamble to try and stir up hype. if reviews are bad that is not good so the devs need to be confident about the game. This start up income is best suited for a reinvestment into advertisement as the game would be closer to release.
If we do go closed beta with a small player base list... They could also just let you try out all the guns and let you fire at test dummies that test hit detection and damage output for balancing but that is not the same as a real game. They could let you roam maps but it is easier to detect flaws on maps when an actual game is going on so you can see exactly what is abusable and how.
A list of good players as Mobius suggests would also be hard considering this game is accessed around the world. Time zones differ, game play times differ.
although poking holes in your suggestions is a pointless endevour. With proper discussion we could probably figure it out.. However... 1. It does not mean CCP will listen. 2. We are getting ahead of ourselves. 3. How long exactly was the time between dusts first fanfest announcement and the release of the actual closed beta for dust? Correct me if I am wrong but didn't it take many MANY years? << ( I think we are really really getting ahead of ourselves.)
I like to be prepared and plan ahead of time but imo it's still really early... too early. So I personally have adopted a wait and see kind of attitude. I am waiting to see what CCP has to show us, how much they have done, what they have accomplished so far. So far I have not seen much... It may not take as long this time around since they have dusts source code and a bit more experience with fps making but I don't believe that it would speed up dev time by SOOO much that we are ready to make plans for it now or expect a beta anytime soon.
Instead of discussing how beta would work... we need to discuss how the game will work. Because that is what they are coding right now at this moment. Legions base code. It would be a shame to have to recode the same base code over and over then dealing with issues later on just to make it work. Wasting time and resources. We need to focus our efforts on what we would like to see in legion. Weapon designs, map layouts, game modes, the core of the game because right now is one of the best times to do that and try to communicate with the devs about what we want in legion so they can code it right the first time. You need to be as detailed as you can.
Being impatient and talking about a beta that won't happen for years does nothing to contribute to legion. I know I do not contribute alot but I do have a degree in game design and some experience but I do have my own work to concentrate on so I am usually a jokerster here to relax and enjoy myself... not do more work. To make one thing clear. I do not want legion to fail, and this wall of text of a post is only meant to help steer the player base in the right direction. The right mode of thinking for the future of legion.
tldr; Let us focus on what is really important. and by us.. I mean you guys. I am just here to drink my beer and troll.... and this beer must suck if I put this much effort into trying to make a useful post.
Everytime I get a like, a puppy dies.