Fox Gaden wrote:First, I have been using HMG since Patch 1.3 and I was very grateful when the HMG was finally fixed and became the formidable weapon it was meant to be, but I have been less happy with how easy it is to operate. I donGÇÖt like my weapon of choice being GÇ£Easy ModeGÇ¥. It makes it hard to get any respect as a Sentinel.
Second, I have greatly enjoyed using the Burst HMG since Charlie and having to deal with heat management. It made the Burst HMG less GÇ£EasyGÇ¥ without preventing it from being effective in skilled hands. In Delta they have made the heat buildup of the Burst HMG even more extreme, yet it is still an effective weapon in the right hands. The point is, I found dealing with heat management to be a fun challenge.
Third, I have tried the Militia HMG and only managed to overheat it once so far, in an extreme situation, but it did have enough heat buildup that I had to pay attention to it, which I found to be more fun than using the Standard HMG which despite the Charlie heat nerf, still requires very little attention to heat management.
The Standard HMG is supposed to be more of a continuous fire suppression weapon, so it canGÇÖt have heat buildup anywhere close to the Burst, but there is still room to introduce more heat management than it has now without impinging very much on its effectiveness in the hands of a skilled operator.
Current Heat Buildup per Second:
Militia HMG: 23.5
Standard HMG: 16
Advanced HMG: 15.2
Prototype HMG: 14.4
Officer HMG: 12.8
My Proposed Heath Buildup per Second for Echo:
Militia HMG: 26
Standard HMG: 20
Advanced HMG: 18
Prototype HMG: 16
Officer HMG: 14
I honestly love this idea, and would love to see it implemented into echo!
The only downside I can see coming from this is if CCP does not find a way to give heavies a harder time fitting Light weapons, because obviously many sentinels will hate this idea because it'll reduce how much damage they can do consistently without having to stop and cause their dispersion to spread out again. So obviously they will just throw light weapons on their sentinels and once again the Hybrid Heavy trend will come back.
So CCP if you do this please find a way of making it significantly harder for sentinels to fit Light weapons! I honestly get annoyed by Hybrid Sentinels because if they want to run light weapons they should have just been commandos.
(I am so glad I have Commandos and Sentinels)