and I am loosing 3-5 pythons a match to swarms. And I am supposed to be called an average ADS pilot, even a good pilot by some.
I must say my problem is not necessarily the RoF, Im kind of ok with it as it is though there is no chance for me to kill vehicles. My problem is how vulnerable the ship is. I always get hit with 3 volleys from a swarm now unless I am already on on the move when the first one hits me, they are taking half my shield every hit so if I ccome across a proto AV or an advanced+ commando I stand "almost" no chance. I cannot even imagine what the incubus pilots are going through right now

The "almost" means that I am sometimes able to hit all 3 hits on that commando and he actually dies before he can hit me the third time. If he has company its impossible.
If I get hit with my afterburner on cooldown(not even hovering) I am dead already and could just abandon the ship right then. I will never be able to fit more than a basic AB because of how ridiculus it is to fit on PG so I will always have to wait at least 33,75 sec (45x0.75=33,75)
The rotation speed of swarm missiles went down from 90 to 80. I am really sorry to say but I notice no difference at all, absolutely none. They still follow me around buildings, I can not turn away from them(if I do it just takes them 0.1 sec longer to catch up to me)
I gonna get **** on for this but..
To be absolutely honest and even my minmando friends agree with me(I am one to btw). The swarm didnt need a speed buff. It was really powerful before, it didnt deny all airspace like it does now but it was good for keeping dropships away and very often did the last punch to them. The forge guns already exists so whenever a dropship runs away really hurt by swarms gets gunned down by the forge. or 2 swarmers would gang up on an ADS and take it down with ease. Not all weapons have to have the exact same role.
I think ADSs should at least have some shot of escaping. On the graphs rattati showed us it shows that you can run away only getting hit by 2 volleys going from hovering mode. He doesnt count in that you need
at least 1,5 sec recover from the impact the first volley punches.
I am ok with the python as it is, its not to powerful, it is a threat to infantry still but not to big though. Its a descent threat for shield tanks and almost no threat to armor tanks (annoying f*cking flies taking down my shield!)
The swarm is OP AS FUQ is what I say and will not take it back.