Dreis Shadowweaver wrote:Tech De Ra wrote:XxFRIJOLESxX wrote:ah I see you also like smooth mcgroove.
who doesnt?
Crimson ShieId wrote:Pffffttttttt Bwahahahahaha! Oh, that is just rich... Speaking of which, where's that video he made about you? I want to watch it

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XriwE1_iAkc I just watched it.
He actually makes sense. All you guys had me thinking he was an idiot, but after listening to him, I disagree with you. Pretty much everything he says makes sense to me.
The only things that annoy me are how he uses grenades and hmgs to take out Uplinks when he could just melee them, and how he complains that his ammo didn't reload, when he clearly started sprinting basically halfway through the reload animation...
Lets start...
Yes heavy dropsuits were nerfed this past update, but no they are NOT harder to use than ever before....same with the HMG.
Misuse of the word "overpowered" when in fact he means powerful enough to pay off
The concept of using "skill" with an HMG and with nova knives is different, the skill involved with knives IS effectively positioning yourself to stab someone in the back or flank for maximum effectiveness..and if you manage to stab them in the face, bonus.
He ALMOST made a good point about awareness, except that in an FPS awareness of the battlefield IS a skill you learn, and timing your attack to best utilize that awareness is also.
Not sure about the reload tirade the video was a bit funky there
He always blames things that the game is doing, as if players are specifically doing it TO him to make him die, or lose, or steal his kills etc. when in reality its just the buggy ass mechanics of DUST.
It's almost as if he doesnt understand superlative speech or even hyperbole, he may be a very literal minded person *shrug*
Again with the typical DUST usage of the words "overpowered", in laymans terms effective
Again confusing server lag with players using lag, and saying that being able to upload videos to youtube is his proof. I can upload videos to youtube on my old ass phone.
which devolves into a rant about haters and being successful at life. So in closing, yes he IS a jackass, and either he is the perfect troll, or he is serious which is just hilarious. Maybe he didnt treat DUST as a conspiracy against him personally and he crusade to succeed at life, things would be ok.