Most of us should re-consider trying to argue against the suggestions that Judge and Ripley made here. In spite of the fact that Dust's current development situation has left us stagmating somewhat, the intention of Public Matches, FW, and PC has always been "progression away from solo shooty for proto unlocking, and towards an understanding and preference of team-coop and "Squading to win fights".
If I'm complaining about the Newberrys slowing me down and spoiling my efftorts and being uncoordinated,... it means I'm ready for FW and PC matches exclusively. I really shouldn't resort to "living a solo existence in the Pub arena".
If for some crazy reason other than fitting-testing or ISK-boosting, I want to stay in Pub Match jungle, I better pop a lot of advil first, (because like a street-teenager among thrid-graders in the park, I really don't belong with them and it's only going cause friction).
Pub matches are for Newberrys, and for casual-friendly consolers who just want to have a couple of hours at their PS3 to unwind---Pub Matches are NOT TO BE TAKEN SO SERIOUSLY.
If you're an advanced player, you should KNOW you're going to be surrounded by wiggly-legged juniors who aren't yet big enough for the dropsuits they're wearing--are trying their best, but are going to fall over--and get flattened by the RDV delivery before they can get up---and get blown up by the locus they accidentally pulled because they wanted to blow up the RDV before they realized it was one of ours.
(Stop laughing,... I did this during my 3rd week in Dust

Squading with them would be a big mistake, so the only good solution is... to SQUAD WITH THEM ANYWAY!
Put on your cheapest fit and do what the casual-friendly players do---join the Pub matches just to crack yourself up and try helping these toddlers! Save the serious mind for the advanced FW and PC.
In Pub matches, I've gone back to wearing a MIC more, scripting my OWN squads in the squad finder (creating a good Squad title/description in the Finder will help draw in the kind of Newberry you can put up with in your vehicle or in your squad), and I just ENTERTAIN myself and hope for some LAUGHS.
There is no shooter, hands-down, that has been able to make me laugh out loud in my living room, except Dust.

When you see the way Dust animates a player who's been killed and flung over a railing by a locus, TELL me you can keep a straight face!! I'm sorry you died that way, but seeing it SO funny!
I am serious with an FW match---I want to sweat it, don't want to lose a blue carelessly, DESPISE losing the MATCH--I don't want you within 20m of me if you're going to act like you don't understand the objectives in FW.

But in Pub matches I stopped all the angst feelings and unreasonable expectations I used to have---now I start a Pub Squad, and say "**** on all this...we're in PUB! Whatever you want to do while you're in my squad, I'll just try to help you do it, while I'm laughing and eating my sandwich."