Thokk Nightshade wrote:I just started to get back into Sniping after Charlie (I ran Sniper exclusively from open beta to 1.6 or 1.7, don't remember anymore). Here's my take on your 3 "options"
What your suggestions are doing are just making the sniper a non-viable option, which I'm guessing is what you are aiming for.
1. This I don't really have an issue with as long as we can figure out a way for someone to deploy without getting shot in the face 3 seconds after spawning in.
2. Already accomplished. With the new reticules, I don't really seem to have a problem hitting bodies. However, Head Shots are damn neared impossible. I'm running a Charge and at about 200 meters, it becomes a guessing game as to where the head is at. Anything farther and I just accept the fact it is going to be all body shots with a couple lucky hits. Past 300, I'm starting to settle in and find the sweet spot but it still isn't perfect by any means
3. No. I can shoot a Sentinel 4 or 5 times with a Charge Sniper rifle and not kill them because while I'm reloading, they are replenishing their shields and armor. With the aforementioned #2, headshots are not as automatic as before.
My counter-proposal: Leave the current alpha/optimal damage where they are at and give a 200% increase to Headshot damage. If a charge is doing 340 (approx with damage mods), it should do 340+340+340 = 1020 damage for a Headshot. That will kill most anything short of sentinel, which, I can accept taking 2 Headshots to kill.
However, I do believe something needs to be done with the scope. Make the peep in the middle slightly smaller for a more accurate lineup and give it a 25-50% zoom. This will make it easier for people to get those headshots that you are asking for.
OR, as SymbioticForks suggested, use this reticule on the "frontline" sniper rifles and go back to the old scope for the Charge and Thales. Personally, I don't understand why it would be so difficult, since both scopes are built, to let the individual choose which scope to use. Because, like I said, I'm not having a real problem landing shots with this scope (in fact, it may be just a touch easier), but Headshots are nigh impossible. So if I want to go support and just work on finishing people off or wearing them down to make it easier for my teammates, I can choose to use the new scope. If I want to alpha dog it and go for 1 shot 1 kill, I can use the old scope which seems to be more user friendly in regards to headshots.
On, and before anyone gets on their "GitGud TryHard" podium, I might not be the most well known sniper but I don't redline. I have actually found that getting in close with rail rifles, sentinels, etc have given me a new perspective which helps when I am picking out sniping nests. On some of the Dom/Skirm maps, I often find myself closer to the middle of the map in some little covey hole than I am to the redline. On Ambush, I am going to stick on the outskirts away from the masses because, well, duh, but it's far enough from the redline where anyone can walk over to me and, if they find me, can kill me.
340 with a 200% headshot is 640. to get 1020 it is 300%.
fyi max damage you can do (with the right set up & skills) to shield on a dropsuit non headshot with the charge is 366 & thale is 404. to armor with a charge is 480 & thale is 530. headshots to shields are 175% and armor is 195%. but here is food for thought so if a scout has 300 shield 75 armor you can kill him in 1 shot with the charge. he is why- 300 of the 366 is taken by shields but the 66 gets turned back to the normal so it is 73 then the armor damage bonus gets added so turns into 80 meaning dead scout. but if he had 85 armor he would live.