John Demonsbane
Unorganized Ninja Infantry Tactics
Posted - 2014.08.19 18:31:00 -
[3] - Quote
Logi Bro wrote:After reading through the rest of these posts, I'd like to point out that every person defending the ScR has an Amarr profile picture. So you're an Amarr FW player and you think your weapon is just fine? That sounds fine, "bias" isn't in my dictionary anyways.
And the people arguing against it have....? I fail to see any point in the "your argument is invalid" statement.
Joel II X wrote:John Demonsbane wrote:So... Someone actually survived a volley from your normally instakill burst HMG and managed to pull off sequential headshots with a semi-auto proto weapon and killed you.
Don't see a problem. There aren't any STD burst HMGs.
You are confusing me with someone else, I never made any such statement about the HMG. Also, I'm not guessing here. When I have fought Logi bro recently he is typically using a STD Minmatar sentinel with an ADV burst HMG.
(The godfather of tactical logistics)

John Demonsbane
Unorganized Ninja Infantry Tactics
Posted - 2014.08.21 05:20:00 -
[4] - Quote
Denchlad 7 wrote:After being melted by ScRs on the day Charlie was deployed I pulled out the Viziam. You know somethings up when youre melting Gallente Assaults with 700 Armor with a Viziam ScR on an Assault ck.0. I then tested the basic on the Assault A-1. Gives most heavys a run for their money. 
Explain how the ScR was buffed in Charlie and how that has anything to do with this discussion. I also call bullshit on "giving Heavies a run for their money" with a STD ScR. Also a little skeptical of effortlessly "melting" suits with 700 armor unless they are idiots who are standing still, or you are using a modded controller. That's difficult enough with an LR which has much higher potential DPS.
And again, modded controllers are not a legitimate reason to do anything to a weapon besides reduce the ROF, just like they did with the TAR.
Krixus Flux wrote:You're not the only one bro. I say the same thing and I've been met with the typical get good scrub response. Really don't care. Let's just keep talking about it bro until CCP has to take a look at it. It is OP.
They just want to protect their crutch dude, trust me.
The DPS is just crazy. Throw in a charged shot, and a mercenary doesn't have time to react. It's TTK is not on par with other weapons in the game. It's the fastest killing weapon.
You seem to complain an awful lot with nothing to back it up other than "oh noes it's OP." or "the DPS (which I haven't actually analyzed) is crazy, bro!" If it's so amazing, why do so few people use it? Why don't YOU use it?
Seriously, nothing has changed substantially with the ScR in over a year. In fact, with the shield/armor imbalance and the change to proficiency, it's arguably been nerfed. I don't even use the damn thing and this is all just so ridiculous I can't help but be baffled at it.
Answer me the following questions:
- How have the masses not figured out its OP by now? - Why is it statistically the least used of all the main racial rifles? - Why didn't Nyain San spam it mercilessly? - Why don't you see entire squads running them in every battle (like with the old TAR)? - Why is it not the dominant weapon in PC? (CR is, last I checked) - Why has CCP left this, of all weapons, totally alone all this time while nerfing the flaylock, TAR, beta Viziam LR, all into oblivion at some point?
(The godfather of tactical logistics)

John Demonsbane
Unorganized Ninja Infantry Tactics
Posted - 2014.08.21 14:20:00 -
[5] - Quote
Logi Bro wrote:
Well first of all, you're right, it hasn't changed substantially for over a year, because of people like you who refuse to admit they are over the top.
Your questions: -The masses did figure it out, then stopped bothering making posts when the crutch wielders beat them down by repeatedly saying it was ok and spamming threads with useless comments. (a lot like what's happening now in this thread, looking at you Nocturnal) Answer me this: what do you think of the skill multipliers for Electronics and Engineering? It's a core skill, and there was a HUGE uproar on jacking up the SP costs. It's still a steaming pile bull that they did that, nothing has changed, but why do people no longer complain? Because a few defended the SP increase and CCP outright ignored any sort of negative feedback on the change. People gave up because there was no chance in hell of it getting changed. The same can be said for AA, which still has a large amount of bullet magnetism, and people cried like hell when it was first introduced, but now they've given up, no chance of it getting changed.
-Please tell me where you get that information from, because "statistically" when I play my matches, I see more ScRs than the other rifles.
-I hope that question was a joke, if serious, please refer to the guy who made an entire sarcastic post dedicated to that sentence.
-I do, actually. Next question.
-CR is statistically the best choice in a PC match due to versatility. Low fitting costs mean you can equip uplinks with high fitting costs, to spam as many anchor points as possible. Best damage profile makes it a good weapon against both armor and shields. I never said the CR wasn't OP, I said the ScR was.
-Did I mention the part where the users of the ScRs beat down the complaints with trollolololing?
To rebut: (I'll start off by reminding everyone I don't even use the ScR anymore, I use CR's. I also have 7 proto weapons with at least prof 3, and am a career logi *coughstillcough* with only 6000-something lifetime kills as a beta vet. I have no crutch to defend)
1) That's a cop out, there is no conspiracy to keep the ScR OP, and no amount of "trollololololing" has silenced the 8 threads about nerfing the ScR recently. And, for all their flaws, the one thing CCP has not done is nerf or not nerf something based exclusively on forum noise. Otherwise logi's would just have sidearms, redline snipers (or even the redline) wouldn't exist, and the ACR or RR would have been nerfed into obvlivion months ago.
2) The skill multipliers are ridiculous, no argument there. I wasn't too active on the forums when they were changed so I can't comment. However, somehow I doubt there was a big contingent of people in favor of the change that "silenced" people like you imply is happening here. More importantly, people b!tching to CCP about something, CCP ignoring them or saying "no", and then the complaints stop because CCP has made a final decision is simply not the same scenario and doesn't apply here.
3) There's a guy named Rattati, you may have heard of him.
CCP Rattati wrote:That said, currently these rifles are in relative balance, sorted from most consumed to least.
- Rail Rifles
- Combat Rifles
- Plasma (GA) Rifles
- Scrambler Rifles
CCP Rattati wrote:I think the number of modded SCR's is probably being overstated a tad, I haven't really noticed being killed extravagantly nor unfairly by SCR's. I get more killed by CR's and Rails, Nova Knifes and Shotguns.
4) Naturally I am being a little facetious, and yes, everyone likes to poke a little fun at Nyain San. I am not trying to factually state that whatever they use is de facto OP. However, I would argue that the converse has a fair amount of truth to it. NS has proven time and time again their superior ability to analyze and exploit whatever the current meta is. If something gives them an advantage, they will figure it out and use it. Mercilessly.
Ergo, the fact that they have not (to my knowledge) ever used the ScR on a widespread scale suggests that there is something about the weapon keeping it in check. Maybe they don't want to use Amarr assault suits, maybe they want to save fitting costs (and why people continue to ignore or dismiss that, as you have, as if it has zero bearing on cross-weapon balance, baffles me), maybe they don't like the noise it makes, I have no idea. But there's clearly some drawback, otherwise I refuse to believe that their organization would have missed this for 18 months.
Is that something I can use as my sole argument? No, don't be silly. But it's certainly something to think about. You think you know the meta better than NS? For most people that would be delusional to even consider.
5) You only see that because you fight for the MInmatar. Amarr loyalists are not a representative sample.
6) Then I fail to see your point. How is a nerf of the ScR so desperately needed (other than it is killing you), when newer weapons are better? If it's not even the best weapon in its class, why single it out?
7) Did I mention that that argument has no basis in reality?
(The godfather of tactical logistics)