richiesutie 2 wrote:all they do is provide a way of dying which feels totally unfair. I know it sounded like a good idea and you may of put alot of work into it but come on they're just ridiculous.
I have never been an advocate of "CLOAKING" a single thing in ANY of these games. I posted before somewhere that "cloak" is a fixation on people that came from the Capt'n Kirk versus the Romulans in the 1960's StarTrek show. It has NEVER been an idea grounded in the reality of combat.
SNIPERS (who need to fully obscure themselves because they must stay STATIONARY to assassinate or observe) need to hide.
SCOUTing personnel have through history used sneaking skills to infiltrate and perform their taskls. GOOD Scouting is done via SKILLS, yes.
The only REAL WORLD folks who dream about "cloaked soldiers" are the 10-star generals and lab nuts. Soldiers say "heck with inviso-jazz, we'll just use our skills", and they go and get the damn job done! Right?

So Richiesutie 2, you have my sympathy.
I always suspected the "cloak" that people salivate to have in these games, would overwhelmingly be used by impish players who want to dash around the entire match trying to "ninja" loose players. ("Loose players" means, yes, players who haven't yet perfected that EXTRA discipline it takes to catch those visiual cues that betray the cloaker--and act quickly on what your eye saw before the cloaker gets to brag to himself that he killed you using his awesome "scout-skill").
There IS thankfully a small population of players in the game who HAVE NOT treated the cloak as a joy-to-kill-toy, and actually give it some respect as a tool for doing their actual SCOUT work (fore example, hacking and holding an enemy objective no one else could possibly reach without a huge assault and clone loss)--so good for them

They are the only players who will always get my salute ( matter how I may be infruriated to feel them kill me while I'm trying to hack the Null cannon

But the line that distinguishes these two types of cloak-users (the true Scout or Sniper...from the annoying Cloak-boy) is hard to keep track of. I guess I can't legitimately argue that "I don't mind when a REAL scout using her cloak properly shoots me in the course of her job.... but those "cloak-boys" bopping around to make surpise kills and call themselves scoutmasters should have their crutch-toy cloak taken away from them.".... I WANT TO make that arugument, but...uggh it's too leaky an argument.
I'm with you Richiesutie 2-- I feel some of your annoyance. I am good enough to "see" their shimmer, and splatter MOST pesky cloak-boys buzzing around me.
I will still be bagged by one when I'm walking nowhere near a strategicly important part of the map now and then (...obviously a cloak-boy running-n-giggling)...
But the cloak plague I envisioned when I furst heard this device was comingto the game, never really became a disaster I thought it would be---it's tured out more like a mosquito bite.
Like Dropship operating, the number of players who know how to utilize it to its true potential and be more than just a periodic obstacle,... is too small a number to be noticed, appreciated, take over the game, and OWN every match doing what they know how to do so well.