Id also at this point like to add that if you ever Squad-ed with Evicer and Cubbs (CHICAGOCUBSFOREVER) and heard him say over squad comms for example " HECA got a nano ? " or 'HECA get in " "or HECA lets go to Alpha" "Me and HECA got bravo" and didnt know what he was talking about. Thats because HECATONCHIRES BRIAREUS was to long to say so we just went with HECA for comms and he still called me that out of habit. If you didnt know that.That means I predated you.
HightimesSW and Death from Afar were buddies and I started squading with them. We fought hard and then Cubbs came and Bleu Eka, Quackers (sir knight) but squads were 4 at the time and we grind-ed and grind-ed and Cubbs brought over his guy's from Socom, then the merge with Like a Boss.... and the rest is, as we say history.
I was never interested in PC in its regional Lag or waking up at 2 am to fight a Japanese corp when I had to go to work the next day. Cubbs just wanted to play the shooter. Hes always said that. I like the lore and so I created this corp. I switched back to my psn ID as my main and soloed.To this day I admire Hightimes SW ,Death from Afar , And CHICAGOCUBSFOREVER for what they accomplished and still remain friends with Cubbs today.
So in conclusion its not a question of who came first the chicken or the egg or Riding coattails( I know what Naruto is but admittedly never watched an episode) Regarding your belligerent rant .It has never BEEN a question of ME trying to steal YOUR thunder....... SO yes it is a great name yet you try to say by posting drop suit names in some thread and this thread that you reaearched it and that in an epiphany anfd your immense knowledge of the lore you and whomever came up with it and you should get some credit for that. Well Im sorry. IT was already here,as we've seen in the threads I have provided written on my alts.
If CCP does go with Hectonchire and you think that you may in the future try some dubious underhanded sabotagery ( OH NO
) once the corp has changed over to Gallente FW, and link this thread to try and point out that I was In Amarr FW on this character you may do so at your leisure.You may point out That I was a closed beta vet a squad mate comrade basically a founding member in this game, of one of the most successful PC corp in the history of this game TeamPlayers, again you may.
You may also bite down on the curb, kick rocks , and get on my level. Because in Life I keep the philosophy of Kat Williams