CCP Rattati wrote:Gloomy Cobra wrote:Please answer these questions if you can :)
-When will we get the rest of the vehicle modules that have been taken out to 'reduce the noise' back in?
-When will we get the logi vehicles back?
-Will we ever get the rest of the vehicle racial for dust?
- Will we ever get the infamous pilot suit?
- Will we ever get any other vehicles other than the variants we already have for dust?
Not sure, will listen to vehicle player feedback on what could/should be reintroduced first and why
Not sure, I wasn't around when they were removed, need to understand the reasoning
Very unlikely
Very unlikely
If you mean the Enforcer and those variants, maybe, if they don't ruin balance.
I'll help out a bit with context.
Previously there was quite a few modules added before the Vehicle 'nuke' was brought in.
-We have various different types of weapon upgrades that adjusted how turrets behaved (turn rate, rate of fire, and heat)
-There was navigation modules that adjusted navigation; agility vs acceleration (instead of straight up speed bonus) Some of these were useful some of them were not and they required significant investment to make worthwhile and the modules encouraged stacking.
-There was weapon turret variants some where ignored due to poor functions or some had just superior functions (explosive railgun for example was just used because it was better against infantry.
-Remote Repair modules basically removed on the grounds that the vehicles that used them where removed.
-We had 'medium' plates that were removed as they offered a bit too much to LAVs.
... Bottom line most of these where removed because they were in fact extra noise module just to have modules and many of them where either far too much go to or far too much don't even bothers.
Logistic LAVs, Scout LAVs, Logistics Dropships, and Enforcer HAVs were removed simply on the grounds of the roles they did not fulfill. For example the Logistics LAV managed to turn into the ultimate murder taxi and was among the hardest vehicles to destroy because of it. So many of these vehicles did not fulfill the intended roles. Some of these may require some really creative tinkering to make them feel just as unique as the assault dropship the only specialist vehicle to survive the purge because it was the only one that had a role.