Senator Snipe wrote:Yoma Carrim wrote:Soulja Ghostface wrote:A lot of people rage over being abandoned and all that stuff and dust started on console whining and etc.
All I ask is will I keep my toon/s? If so I do not have any problem with legion as the influx of new players will feed my weapons
And aim assist will be gone

I think the last shooter I played on PC was
Chex Quest (sue me it was free and came with cereal.

Played a couple RTS's but that's about it cense then.
But back to the topic at hand; Caricter name- yes, SP- Depends on what skills carry over,
LMFAO why would they take the ISK away?
To anyone who has decent knowledge of New Eden economics, the reason is obvious. Blatantly obvious. To the uninitiated, they don't see it unless it's explained to them.
The vast majority of the ISK flowing in Dust 514 was gained unfairly and the manner it was gained was unintended by CCP. That manner is infamously known as PC District Locking. Nowadays, that's not possible anymore but the damage has already been done. There is still too much ISK in circulation and not enough sinks to cumulatively get rid of the excess ISK nor keep it under control.
But to be fair to folks like you, it is clearly known that CCP will design Legion as a stand-alone shooter in the short term part of its development from that of Eve Online until CCP is sure it's ready for the Eve-Legion economic merger. Until then, the ISK from Dust going into Legion will have no impact on Eve Online.
If ISK were to be transferred over with the Dust character however, then CCP needs to make absolutely sure that there is enough ISK sinks to balance the ISK faucets so that ISK in circulation remains under control. I can think of many ISK sinks that are perfect for Legion in destroying the excess ISK from the economy. These can be implemented on day one.
1. Upkeep Fees for fueling districts owned by corporations.
2. Broker Fees for creating both Buy and Sell orders on the secondary market.
3. Broker Fees for modifying your own existing Buy/Sell orders on the secondary market.
4. Broker Fees for creating a peer-to-peer exchange/auction contract.
5. Sales Tax on your profits for whenever someone else completes your Sell order on the secondary market.
6. Skill Books for expanding on trade skills such as being able to establish X amount of Buy/Sell orders per level.
7. Skill Books for expanding on trade skills such as being able to extend the range (# of jumps) of establishing and modifying your Buy/Sell orders per level.
8. Skill Books for expanding on how many contracts you can setup per level.
9. Transport Fees for whenever you want to move from station to station, system to system, or region to region.