BL4CKST4R wrote:
Sidearms are a pretty unbalanced aspect in Dust 514. Some sidearms are or were so powerful that they took the place of Light weapons, while others are so useless that you are better off running without a sidearm. In my opinion a pistol should have a higher DPS than a submachine gun but be more specific in usage, while a submachine gun should be a bit more of a generalist weapon.
Ion Pistol and Bolt pistol:
For the Ion pistol have a proposed a new overheat calculation, which is written in the spreadsheet. Basically a Ion pistol should get one charged shot and 2-3 single shots before overheat, this means that the initial heat increase per shot needs to be increased considerably and the charged shot overheat reduced. It also needs a hipfire reduction.
There should also be a mechanic implemented that a held Charge shot while automatically fire itself after X amount of time held, this would include the Scrambler rifle as holding a charge after buffing the Ion pistol would make it extremely OP.
The bolt pistol requires a slight DPS increase but the firing mechanic should be looked at, it is understandable that as a Caldari weapon is requires a charge between shots but being automatic and requiring a very long charge between automatic shots it makes it difficult to use. I suggest that it be made semi-automatic and a very small but noticeable charge between each single shot. The charge does not have to be held as taping it while cycle both the charge AND the shot.
Or applying a charged burst mechanic would make this gun extremely unique (aside from the Burst scrambler). Although damage and ROF would need to be changed.
Magsec SMG:
It requires a slight recoil reduction. Being a long range side arm it is difficult to use due to its extreme recoil.
CQC Weapons:
There should also be an overall increase in the Hip fire spread (the reticle) to long range side arms, while short range side arms maintaining a smaller reticle. This should also apply to light weapons, although a side arm would be better than a light weapon at hip firing. The reason being is that to many long range weapons are to good at CQC.