Seymour KrelbornX wrote:you the player.
my main is seymor krelborn, go look at his stats. I'm not the worst or the best player but I have found a viable counter to every fit and vehicle in the game.
the only thing that determines whether or not I win an engagement is me and my opponents skill.
the only exception to this is bad hit detection or other bugs.
it has become all to apparent to me that when someone cries that something is OP it's usually due to that individual trying to solve every problem they face with one fit, or one style of play.
this fact is exacerbated by the majority of the vocal player base's over inflated assessment of their own ability.
now I'm not saying things don't need to be tweaked, like heavies turning to fast or hmg heat, or assault class bonuses, tanks, dropships... I get nothing is perfect but I also understand it never will be, because its the player using whatever gear that ultimately determines how effective it is.
I feel that some of you are simply being bested by better players, or are falling for old tricks ( like a remote on a capture point).
some of you don't value the creativity of other players, "not using something as intended" (with some exception) is part of what makes the new eden universe unique, and it adds a deeper level of game play that "rock, paper, scissors" will never have.
I hope ccp Rattati is aware of this.... I hope we can break the endless chain of nerf/buff that killed dust to begin with, and first ask if there are proper counter measures for every situation... I know there are...
I have seen teams get slaughtered by tanks because they don't bring out their own tanks, AV, even a jihad jeep...
I have seen teams get decimated by heavies because they want to charge head first into them with rifles and scout suits, instead of getting out the heavy suits and logis, or set traps with remotes at choke points where they heavy is sure to push.
I have basicly seen a team lose to any situation you can encounter because the other team doesn't pull out the right gear for the situation....
when was the last time you were in a pub and used the team chat instead of squad chat? theres one of your best weapons and no one uses it...
or how often have you been in a match where either your team or theirs has way to many new players still shooting at the mcc?
of course in a match like that anything a seasoned player uses will seem OP....
PC is a different issue... and I remember when all of the best players were still here, you hardly ever heard them screaming nerf/buff... it was mostly about exploits and bugs....
I for one am sick of nerf/buff and in all my time playing I have only seen it weaken this game's core gameplay...
Thokk Kill. Thokk Crush. Thokk Smash.