Leeroy Gannarsein
Legio DXIV
Posted - 2014.05.31 04:59:00 -
[1] - Quote
HYENAKILLER X wrote:m twiggz wrote:The OP must run GalScout and is sad that he is no longer an invisible force of destruction. The majority of the community is happy about this, even many players, good players, that run GalScout.
Plain and simple, a GalScout can still be completely invisible even after the hotfix hits. Run the numbers properly. The only big change is that it will no longer be able to stack copious amounts of armor, be completely invisible and be super fast. Just like others have stated.
As for your argument of "heavies and logis are the real issue" is a complete misunderstanding. The heavy and logi combo in Dust has always been subpar at best. Now that it's finally working as intended people are QQ'ing over it. It's really simple. Kill the logi, then kill the heavy. Or you could even ask your squad mates for help if you cannot do it yourself. Scouts and medium frames aren't meant to take heavies on 1v1 and win, let alone one heavy with a logi versus one light or medium frame. Heavies are in a good place. They're difficult to kill, yet not indestructible.
IMO you just need to play smarter. If you have difficulty taking out heavy/logi combos then maybe the light frame suits aren't for you.
As for tanks? Yeah it's still an issue if you don't have vehicle users on your team. Light AV still needs some work IMO. If you're really having that much trouble with them do what the rest of us do. Sica + Railgun + 2x DMG mods. The tank QQ tears will start flowing. Invisible? you people are rediculous. Heavies are invincable in cqc without a logi let alone with one. THATS WHY CUBS ALWAYS RAN HEAVY WITH LOGI. Tanks fear no one and rightfully so. Av is garbage. Almost every game is dom or ambush where heavies and tanks dominate. How the hell can you nerf scouts and crs when EVERY SINGLE GAWD DAAM THING BOUNCES OFF OF THEM? Its f***ing stupid. Cloaks make you invisible, not profile dampening. Profile dampening is radar only. When you say invisible I want to slam my head in a door to clear my mind of your stupidity. The notion that ccp is fixing anything is ********. The only thing broken is cloaks, av, heavies and tanks and they wont touch vehicles or heavies because thats a scrub role that earns money. Ide like my game to revolve around progression and excellence not pitty and training wheels. You fkn people who agree with scout/cr nerf are pathetic.
So. The reason heavies are unbeatable 1v1 in CQC is this: they cannot do anything else. Your GalScout can be practically unscannable, have an EHP ceiling nearly as high as my Assault (well, maybe not since I bricked it totally in response to GalScouts doing just this), move faster and are able to wh*re WP from TWO low slots. On top of that, you don't even need to fit a repper.
A heavy has a high EHP total, and a lot of DPS inside 25m. They have very few angles of WP gain, and they're so slow you can outrun or out strafe them easily.
Hell, they can't even push a point properly because of their pathetic speeds; an open field is like a death knell for an HMG heavy.
And for that, they benefit by having enormous DPS inside a small area. But their hitbox is enormous; they're incredibly easy to hit. They have a head the size of a microwave (thanks Fox :P) and their regeneration is typically abysmal (except Cal, potentially).
Drop a remote on him. Go for headshots.
Or just don't try to hug him.
It would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart...