Egypt Musk wrote:I have only two questions for you.
Those who have played with you over extended periods of time know that when the games balance is not at a point to your liking you rage quit and are absent for extended periods of time. Example: When murder taxi's were at there height you quit the game for over a month
With knowing your past can you be sure that if balance isn't what you would like it to be will you still be available in game and to the to the community, or will your personal emotions get in the way?
Secondly do you have the back bone to actually stand up to CCP and inform the of whats wrong with the game instead of being a yes man?
The second question I ask due to your statement of:
" I know the extent of the CPMGÇÖs capabilities; I know that I canGÇÖt advocate for things that are beyond my control.""
Nothing in the game is technical in your control as you are not a dev and the position of CPM is there to be an advocate for the community....
Sounds like a vote for Aeon Amadi is a vote for CCP fanboyism.
Sad really I was a very strong advocate for you as CPM even after our past dealings fell apart, but after your sub par time in the dust Q&A at fan fest In my eyes your proved you are everything that is wrong with the current CPM and something/someone who should be avoided for the next CPM.
In all fairness you were a very strong advocate for me as a CPM representative before I called out a group of boosters with evidence provided

Then you decided to rage all over the forums, in-game channels, support tickets through CCP, threatened to sell real-information of our directors, sent me messages repeatedly on multiple accounts to circumvent the blocking mechanic, etc....
But you know what, I'll humor the trolls and answer some of these questions because some of them actually have some weight

A person shouldn't be expected to play a game if they don't legitimately enjoy it. There were a few times I did rage-quit (though I can't think of anyone who is not guilty of this with one game or another) but to say it was "because balance wasn't to my liking" isn't telling the story properly - mostly because of the fact that a large portion of the community was calling foul about it as well. Hence why they nerfed the hell-fire out of Free LAVs scoring easy kills. This wasn't -JUST ME-, it was everyone but a small group of people who liked godmode LAVs. Despite popular belief, it is -entirely- possible to get burnt out on a game that you're playing too much of (20+ hours a week).
Even when I wasn't playing the game, I was always (and will always be) available on Skype, Twitter, etc. I simply stopped giving my phone number away to people because I learned that that can be used against me when someone decides to take their frustrations out of the game

And there is plenty within a CPM's control, when that word is used in the right context. Sure, they're an advisory council, but they're also given a lot of homework to do by CCP and there's a lot of power in merely suggesting that the community should have more impact on the game as a whole. To say that we don't have any control over what CCP does is the same as saying a graphics artist doesn't have control over what kind of game their work is put into.
I like that use of the word 'fanboyism' though, it really paints a unique picture about me that makes me smile. It's one of those nifty little terms that's used whenever someone likes to straw man and attack a person's character in order to make their own argument sound better

In fact, the most powerful thing a CPM representative can do is ask CCP, "Why?" (I'll let you think about what this means). Anyone who's actually spent some time reading my posts knows that there's been a -lot- of things I strongly oppose CCP on and will argue to death. To which I strongly suggest clicking my name on the left of this post and clicking 'view posts'. It offers some amazing insight to who I am as a person (when I'm not being sarcastic!)
Although I sincerely apologize for not letting other people have an opportunity to ask their questions at the microphone for the Dust 514 Q&A's at Fanfest. I shouldn't have let them have the moment to voice their own concerns that might echo mine. I really regret not taking up the entire twenty minutes of the Q&A, now that you bring it up... Shucks, I really hate preferring one-on-one communication over beers and I'm ashamed that I didn't hold EveTV hostage to force them to televise the panels where I sat for 15+ minutes holding my hand in the air waiting for my turn to ask my question (don't believe me you should ask some of the people that were actually there
