G I A N T General Tso's Alliance
Posted - 2014.05.17 00:50:00 -
[1] - Quote
Just wanna start this Post by giving credit where credit is due. CCp you are all scum bags to make a sale & advertise like you did all the way till fan fest then tell Console players to basically "eat sh!t" what class you chumps will never get another dime out of me.
First I have a pc that will play legion only my pc is only for decent games that i don't mind dueling with aim bots to play that have real quality like Planetside 2 not the garbage you call Legion aka Dust 2.0
I was learning about eve I getting ready to open an account because I liked the idea of a Space based ever changing pc game enhanced & directly affected by a console based FPS plus that mean a FPS free of cheaters... <---That & that alone is why i played dust & spent 20 dollars on this husk of Wolfenstein 3D which by the way i seen better coding on the windows 95 version then you chumps can put out maybe you all should train with the Atari first I bet some of you worked on E.T. for said system.
Finally I would like to touch down on the concept of the ps3 lacks the power to run Dust.. Have you seen dust versus most other FPS shooters,like dead space,call of duty? Its not the equipment that lacks the power to run dust fully its the lack of talented programers & the E.A. Title pimp you hired to put a end to dust with like all other titles E.A. came in and destroyed for a quick buck.
I have not since fan fest nor will not log into you turd show again only to polish that turd so the #masterace can aim bot it into the ground along with all other pc cheats like wall hacks,no dmg ect,ect sound fun?
I play Connery Server Planetside 2 NC br 23 call tag OmegaKelevra, I spent 50 bucks on station cash to buy so camo and many many other cosmetic modifications to show my support for the game do you know why i invested 50 dollars?
Because its being released on console I like controllers, & hate mouses & keyboards.
Eat Turd CCP I will continue on my way to play a good game. But since I'm feeling raw about getting ripped off on my investment here i will troll like cancer till i watch with glee legion fail, And soon the rest of you hacks that occupy your offices.
Suck My Balls CCP / Moved to Planetside 2NC Western Server Same name TrollwhisperPSN ID.
FUKC Legion!!