843 Epidemic wrote:Ghostt Shadoww wrote:843 Epidemic wrote:[quote=Ghostt Shadoww]Why is it dumb i know i been o ship for 15 years but i can block phone number and o can block on facebook so whats the hrm...u already put a recording technically against the law have to ask permission to record audio but this is a game so dont thin laws qork here...not that it matters cuz i love the recording u jist showed everyone u more worried about he she say stuff and laughs then ur own land...amd look what happen....lmao....losers
Anyways yes im the cutest latin in dust here u go
[email protected] my nname is ruben ...thats how peopme say they find me on facwbook...if u camt find it dont know what else to give im old fashion i dont knkw this new age stuff well
Please quote the law that states I must get consent to record audio
Yes I care more about having fun and laughing then virtual land. You caught me!!
Are u seious...do u live in america? If so google it bro its a federallaw sir recorded conversations u need the person consent unless u leave it on a voicemail or something then u lready know by common knowledge that u are being recorded
Dude if u american and dont know this as a law then that means u have no education what so ever...cuz hello hostory our presidents recordings hint hint ....wow
Dude calm down im not seeking legal acgion this is a stupid video game and u having an accent doesnt matter im latin and im american and used to have a deepa ccent so accents dont matter bud u can be english and born here ...and u posting this regardless if u and ur minions see it u just made me look awesome...now peopke see i loose control honce why i said Zatara does all the talkong cuz i cant...im a warrior i want to plan and talk about war...the politics thats for the council not a warrior.and two peopke see that i can pit differences behind me to work together...u guys couldnt hince
Why You all Molon Labe and 843 own ZERO and lost it all....cuz u said it uself i caught u u dont care about virtual land and it shows
Ivwas someone with a few hundred warriors trying to help all of u keep ur land...i didnt have nothing to loose i already lost my 2 corps tthe unit 514 amd Gods among men to the clutches of. AE
So i put some stuff together to help you all out cuz u needed it and look u all didnt listen and this is where u are...trolling me for fun
Bit u not trolling sh!t all u showing is that u dont know how to put diffeences aside and work together as a team plain and simple that is what that whole voice recording is
Me ragng at a bunch of losers...thanks forbproving my point sir o7
Im go play now...find that guy that said he has a squad for my squad cant wait free 30 mll isk....
And thats for u to 843
Make a squad 30 mill isk says me and my squad can beat u and ur squad in factional. ..k bud in game me when u ready...im go look forbleadfoot hopefully he not bluffing and has a whole squad of molon labe lmao