W a r F o r g e d
Posted - 2014.05.08 23:05:00 -
[1] - Quote
This is a visual proposal, no need to read a huge wall of text. If you want further information, it will be at the bottom.
I've designed these concepts a few months back for DUST 514. I want to share it with the Legion community and devs and see what they think about it. 
TOP Compass---[As you turn it will show where you're facing. ---[N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW. ---[Tick marks will appear to show where enemies, objectives, vehicles, and other assets are. TOP RIGHT Notifications & Active Effects---[Top boxes are active effects that are on you. ------[Active effects could be anything from reps, shield recharge, overheat, etc. ------[Characterized by symbols. ------[If a box isn't filled it will not be displayed. ---[Below that are notifications. ------[A new notification will slide out, blink, and slide back in. Newer notifications are on the bottom. TOP LEFT Radar/Minimap---[Coordinates on top. ---[Planet name below that. ---[MCC total health in percentage is shown. ---[Team names are shown. ---[Players in need of revive are shown as white on the radar. ---[Buildings are shown on the radar. ---[Field of view is shown on the radar. ---[Weapon range is shown on the radar. ------[Middle ring is unequipped weapon range. ------[Colored in area is equipped weapon range. ---[When a gun is fired, it's bullet trajectory is shown. ---[Targeted hostiles show up as orange. MIDDLE Crosshairs---[Center dot is shown. ---[Ring around center dot shows how charged/overheated a weapon is. MIDDLE LEFT Squad List---[Names are shown ------[Green = alive, gray = dead. ---[Boxes near names show equipment, a symbol will fill the box letting you know what equipment that player has. ------[Green = inactive, Blue = active, = Red = depleted/destroyed. ---[Health is shown. ------[Green = safe, Orange = danger (hostile in area/within orbital range/shot at), Red = taking damage, Blue = healing. ---[Configurable role names. A player could give a role name to each dropsuit, it will then display on the Squad List. ---[Speaker shows who's speaking. ---[Icon to show if squad member is in a vehicle, and what vehicle it is. ------[Green = safe, Red = taking damage Messages---[Messages in the form of text is displayed below the Squad List (for those who communicate without a mic). BOTTOM RIGHT WPs---[Shows list of WP rewards and total number of WPs earned. KillfeedBOTTOM LEFT Player Info---[Equipment is shown. ------[Blue = active, gray = inactive. ---[Speed is shown. ---[Stamina in number form shown. ---[Regeneration is shown. ---[Grenade name is shown. ---[Weapon name is shown. ---[Overheat/charge bar is shown. ---[Amount of ISK lost is shown. ---[KDR is shown. ---[WPs is shown.
This proposal is open to suggestions, requests, and of course questions.
EVE: Tekaio
Long Live Legion