bigolenuts wrote:Michael Arck wrote:One Eyed King wrote:The conditions under which many people spent money were either misrepresented, or changed without our knowledge.
If you are paying for something you think will be around for years to come on a console, and you find out otherwise AFTER already having spent the money, you would be rightfully upset.
People are not getting what they thought they were paying for (a game with a commitment to a playstation console). Stop trying to defend people who argue there is no reason to be angry. There are legitimate reasons for people to be upset.
So you buy a donut expecting the company to stay there for 5 years and if they go out of business in a week, you're entitled to get your money back because you bought the donut not to consume but to keep the business going?
The items you bought by AUR were consumed. You got what you paid for. It didn't say in the PSN, "buying this will guarantee that Dust will continue its 10 year plan". That's an incorrect assumption on your part.
not an assumption when the company tells you that they are going to be around with said game. Are you new here?
Are you new at life? Do you pay the bills at your house or mom and dad does? Because I don't know about you, but I got what I paid for. I paid 20 bucks for 23K AUR. I got that. Do I want a refund? No. I have used it and currently still use my AUR. I didn't buy for a guarantee that the game would continue development. Hell, you weren't even sitting down in a room with CCP to have that discussion ("Look, I'm only buying this because I want this game to keep thriving").
You bought AUR to boost skill and to have access to items. Now that the show seems to be over, you're looking at things that will allow to you to take pot shots. It's wrong.
It's the same thing as relationships. People break up and then all of sudden they want all their gifts back. That's just wrong. It's the same thing happening here.
You paid real world money to buy entertainment. Entertainment that you have received. In today's age and the apparent intelligence of some people, just how in the hell you thought buying AUR secured the life expectancy of your game?
Especially on last gen's console in 2014 which is the year that rise of next gen's library is imminent?