Detective Scroats
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.05.02 20:52:00 -
[1] - Quote
All these people want is for their characters to be more powerful than the other people that play Legion starting out. You have done a damn fine job of making Dust tangibly irrelevant to Eve while convincing every single Dust player that this would change. Those numbers at the beginning of the Keynote were meaningless. It is not hard to understand that the Isk in Dust and the Isk in Eve were not combined for a good reason.....because they simply weren't the same money. Isk in name only for the poor economic juggernaut dreamers. There aren't that many Dust players, this shouldn't even be an issue. Otherwise you just lied and coerced your way through two years of beta tests for your new Legion game. Not to mention all the "real actual money" that was spent for this pea shooter that doesn't even measure up to anything resembling a "AAA" experience. This Legion is exactly what you promised, without holding yourselves to the promise of persistence. That same persistence that is the supreme selling point of Crowd Control Productions. Different game my ass, that was a familiar rail rifle. Your next steps may seem to be not very consequential considering how few of us dusters really exist. But I sure hope your really despicable treatment of the small dedicated group of people does not go unnoticed to the Eve players and prospective Eve subscribers. Whom you very much rely on. I feel only with the shear will of everyone who gives CCP their time and their dime, will this injustice be rectified. SP is a design question no doubt. Doesn't mean that it is not a pathetic excuse and deflecting. But what about all the design questions that were figured out by us? By admitting that giving us our SP is a design issue means that it can be fixed without real monetary/legal loss. But above all don't play stupid with us. Dust keynote = nothing but legion reveal? It is a new product. If Legion is fun then it should not be a big deal giving us few hundred/thousand Diehards a leg up on the next race. How much should be scaled based on how much time was put into playing dust. simple as that, it doesn't even have to be a very big head start.
P.S. We have played for two years on about 10 maps. Can you guys at least do those poor suckers who gave you their money a solid and make more places to fight our irrelevant war? Your entire company was based on persistence, that's how you created a crowd to control and monetize. You did your company a huge solid by parting ways with sony, now do us one by making the right choices and making Legion the game to play over destiny, halo, battlefront. you can do it now, but don't throw so many huge fans under the bus... Don't do it, Im super serial guys