Arirana wrote:General John Ripper wrote:People like me and you must have over 1,000 hours of practice in pc fights.
You cannot expect someone with less than 10 hours of pc practice to come in and give you a challenge without a little help.
Regarding that other post, I am wayyy to lazy to set that up. If I wasn't I would be in Dust Uni rather than in a try hard for the fortune corp.
Though that would indeed be a step in the right direction, but a few months down the road when PVE and PC 2.0 comes out, will what little practice we have given them really matter?
I'm seriously considering it btw win me over
what would a few months matter? It would matter a hell of alot.
First of all you are making an assumption that pve and pc 2.0 will be out in a few months. Do not do that. It is CCP... Even if it does come out in a few months, the state of this game will only further deteriorate before it is ready. A force with alot of resources can help to alleviate and slow some of that deterioration.
Second of all there is alot of demand for people that want to get into pc. The only reason I played this game was for pc. I actually have pictures of my wallet where I wont play pubs for weeks. Others that have been kicked out of pc must feel the same way. There are other corps who dream of pc but they have no direction. All they need is a little push and a little guidance. I have helped smaller corps in the past. Gave them tips, helped them get districts. One such corp was shootbreakstab. It didn't last long but their entire outlook of the game changed. They spent hundreds of millions on pc and loved it. They even got another corp( their closest ally) more and more into pc. Subsonic synthesis a corp that has never been in pc before was starting to make an emergence. Joined an alliance. Started to get more and more organized. Spending hours talking and strategizing about pc before playing one. When it would take us like 10 minutes.
Do you remember those feelings? As a vet, it is easy to start to feel "meh" about pc but that is not the case for everyone. With all of this happening now.. I can tell you what they are feeling now. A buzzkill. Some say it is hard to get new corps into pc, and I am inclined to agree that pc is broken but another factor is declining numbers. It is hard to start a corp unless you are very influential. Not enough new players joining the game. The atmosphere of this game being created by its own players is not helping either. You can say well "why don't they challenge us?". well because you simply cannot expect a corp with minimal experience to face an A-tiered corp. They would be facing c-tiered, until their fc learns more strategy and how things work. Then fighting B-team and so on as they get better.
A few months can be a long time. Whats going to happen? More people will leave. More people will quit. I expect not all of dns is immune to this. Some of you guys might just wanna go out with a bang. There you go. Bang created. But what about everyone else?