Siggmund Froid
Praetoriani Classiarii Templares Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris
Posted - 2014.04.18 04:41:00 -
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Sigmund Froid Character Bio
Name: Sigmund Froid
Home Planet: Syrikos V agricultural planet and home planet of the slaver.
Family History/Background: Sigmund comes from a long line of plantation owners. His family was one of the first Amarr to settle on Syrikos V. They were part of the domesticating process for the slavers. Sigmund's grandfather, Verismund, was out tending to a slaver that had become entangled when he was set upon by an opportunistic Minmatar slave and was murdered in cold blood. The slave was then savagely torn to shreds by the slaver Verismund had just freed. Upon finding his father murdered, Sigmund's father, Jorocmund went into a frenzy and in a rage began beating every Minmatar slave he could see. Sigmund, just a boy at this time, was eating a mid afternoon snack when he saw his father savagely beating a house slave. Jorocmund beat her until his hands were covered in her blood and when she stopped moving. He came out of his trance and tried to save the slave as she had been with the family since she was born.
Sigmund changed that day when he learned why his father had been beating the Minmatar house slave. When he learned his grandfather, his mentor in life had been savagely murdered by a Minmatar slave his heart was hardened and he withdrew into himself. He was never the happy boy he once was, now all that was left was a burning hatred for the Minmatar. Sigmund began treating the slaves harshly, exacting the grievous punishments for the simplest of wrongdoing.
As Sigmund grew he threw himself fervently into the Faith and into military arts. He excelled in his studies, using his hatred of the Minmatar to push him to places he never would have been able to go. Sigmund left the family plantation with his favorite slaver and took off into the harsh lands of Syrikos V. He took few provisions, his scrambler rifle, and his only copy of The Scriptures. While he was wandering the vastness of Syrikos V he began to read, truly read The Scriptures for the first time. As he delved into The Scriptures, his heart began to soften and he realized not all Minmatar were inherently evil as he had thought, just the ones who spoke or acted against the Empire or the Faith. As he neared the end of his provisions he realized he did not have enough food to make it home or to any outpost he knew of. He knew he had to try to make it back to the plantation. As he neared a starved and dehydrated state he started looking hungrily at his slaver who was more resourceful than his owner and was able to find food where his master could not. He called his slaver over and placed his shaky hands on his slaverGÇÖs head. Sigmund had every intention of killing his slaver for survival when a bright light filled his vision and a strong yet feminine voice filled his ears.
GÇ£My faithful servant, I have much work for you yet to accomplish. You will not die here on this planet or any other if you accept my giftGǪGÇ¥ Sigmund shields his eyes and sees a lithe figure striding towards him and as she nears him she changes into a monstrous cybernetic male. GÇ£Find me and you will live foreverGǪGÇ¥ is the last Sigmund hears of the womanGÇÖs powerful voice. Sigmund blinks, the light fades, and when Sigmund looks up he is staring into the eyes of a member of the search party that was out looking for him.
GÇ£WhereGÇÖs the woman attached to the enchanting voice I just heard?GÇ¥ inquired Sigmund. GÇ£Sir thereGÇÖs no one out here but we that are searching for you and there are no women among us, you must be delirious from the lack of water. Here take a drink and eat a bite. Your father is worried sick and will be glad to hear you are safe,GÇ¥ static crackles or the radio, GÇ£Yes, IGÇÖve found him in Gama sector of the fourteenth quadrant, no I have no idea how he made it out here this far. Over and out,GÇ¥ replied SigmundGÇÖs savior.
After returning to the plantation Sigmund did nothing but study the scriptures and kept trying to figure out who the woman in his delirium dream was. He knew he had heard the voice before but he just couldnGÇÖt place it. Then one day he heard the voice on a telecast from the Throne Worlds and his blood turned cold and his heart stopped. The voice belonged to The Emperess herself Jamyl Sarum. Sigmund didnGÇÖt know what to do, he wanted to tell his father but he was afraid his father would dismiss him out of hand. Sigmund knew there was more to him than to just be a plantation planet manager. He continued to read The Scriptures until he came across a specific passage: "To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin"- The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21.
This became Sigmund's mantra. Sigmund knew he was wasting his life on Syrikos V, he was destined for greater things, he saw them in his dreams every night since he had come back to the plantation. Sigmund realized that to fulfill his destiny he had to join the military only then could he follow his true path and he applied to the military academy at the age of 25. Sigmund was accepted into the military academy where he was among the top 10% in his class. He worked at mastering everything he needed to know about Amarrian Military History. His battlefield prowess caught the eye of those in the Templar program. They put him into the test subject pool.

Siggmund Froid
Praetoriani Classiarii Templares Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris
Posted - 2014.04.18 04:41:00 -
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Sigmund couldn't believe his eyes when the orders came down that he was to report to the Templar indoctrination center. There were some complications with SigmundGÇÖs transcendence into his Templar state. The implantation process awakened SigmundGÇÖs old hatred for the Minmatar people. It was as if Sigmund suffered from a personality split. One minute he would be fine and the next he would have an insatiable lust to kill the nearest Minmatar slave. Sigmund never reported this to anyone and was able to control himself, through intense daily prayer and meditation, when not battling the Minmatar, but during battle he was a holy warrior that wanted nothing more than to eradicate the cluster of Minmatar.
Sigmund looks to be around his mid-thirties. He has scars on his body from his youth and playing with slavers that were too rough and his time out wandering the harsh lands of Syrikos V where he fasted and almost killed his beloved slaver for food before he was given a vision of a Templar. This slaver can still be seen at his side when he walks around the stations.