I didn't but that's just me... don't want to go into that right now. What I want to understand is why many corporations who should be happy with it... are not
If you do not want to read wall of text read summarized portion at the bottom.
Before we begin, I am against fight club. I know that, you know that, everyone knows that.... it doesn't matter here and there's no reason to bring that up. I hope I explained every view here. I always do my best to remain unbiased when it comes to progressing the game and this post falls under it.
Let's begin, PFC was the first step into turning MH into a blue donut. As many districts it had, it was not enough to fit every corp who wanted to "practice" without worrying about the risk in holding a district.
So the only way to fix it was to turn ALL of MH into a fight club. Now all of your dreams can come true. Every corp will now be able to fight one another without the risk of losing a district because none will hold any. Hold on it gets better, no corp can accuse another corp for farming isk because all passive isk goes to DNS. No more locking, farming, and worry of being attacked by a corp that does not agree with the ideals of the fight club.
So why the negativity? Maybe everyone is happy about blue donut and people are simply against DNS... But I cannot think of anyone else willing or capable of defending MHFC... after all they did volunteer and get accepted by PFC to defend against those apposed to the fight club... nothing has changed other than more property having to be defended, but the passive isk from the entire region should be more than enough to cover the maintenance and defense. I might like it... but I think what I really don't like is that I'm not part of the team making lots of money... that's probably the real reason the hate is there but people don't want to admit to greed...
Now then, for those that are for PFC but against MH Blue Donut.... kind of hypocritical wouldn't you agree??? Be careful what you say about Blue donut because it applies to PFC as well. Instead of just having 1 planet to practice, should have gotten a system... but skip the system and let's just get the whole region. I mean think about it, MHFC will become the equivalent to the academy for new corps... which would work better if we had other regions for corps who want the real PC
The only people that can argue against the blue donut are those that disagreed with PFC. It's only fair since MHFC is simply PFC on a grander scale... Those same people that believed that PC should remain what it was founded to be... where corporations "Controlling these districts will amass wealth for you and your allies and provoke conflict with your enemies" (Dev blog introducing PC). They argued that a "safe environment" removed the last part of what PC was suppose to be (the PROVOCATION of conflict with enemies). Clearly the same argument is being used against MHFC by many corps... many of which supported that "Safe environment" that PFC provided.
Now lets address those that say we should attack blue donut. We simply CANT. Why you ask? Because its frowned upon by the Dust community to attack Fight Club. My own corp got lots of negativity for attacking fight club and even though many corps were against it.. they remained quiet because they did not want to anger the mass population. Same thing applies to this, so stop asking why corps don't attack. Remember: Frowned upon by dust community
If you have gotten this far and haven't figured out why I keep switching Blue Donut with MHFC, it is because of Phase 2 of blue donut. When Blue Donut was first announced it was divided into 2 phases. First phase being turning MH into Blue Donut which is almost complete. Phase 2 was to allow corps to sign up and fight each other in a controlled environment so they do not get bored and practice fighting in PC so corps don't get rusty. Phase 2 describes the foundation of PFC. Once phase 2 is initiated, Blue Donut will officially become MHFC.
To summarize, if you support PFC, why are you arguing against MHFC. If you are against PFC then I understand why are against MHFC. If you do not understand why corps will not assault MHFC, it is because the Dust Community frowns upon attacking fight club.