The Fun Police
Posted - 2014.04.11 18:26:00 -
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Aszazel wrote:http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/03/bullseye-from-1000-yards-shooting-the-17000-linux-powered-rifle/
Well you see the issue with buffing sniper rifles to be more realistic is that this is a video game. Render distance is a serious issue on the game engine in use. If you buffed snipers to 1000 meters it wouldn't matter anyways as you cannot see targets a thousand meters away. Making larger maps for Snipers would likewise be moot because of render distance issues. As far as damage is concerned, you can already drop suits real fast if they aren't shield tanked (which is much more rare then armor tanked anyways) if you head shot. The shields deflect the shots so in a sci-fi fantasy it's not far-fetched that it would take several to overheat the shield or whatever. Also this isn't Kevlar, these suits are some sort of sci-fi synthetic compounds reinforced by bionic systems for mobility so it's believable that armor might stop some of the shots. All of that aside we can't actually assume any realism as the world of New Eden is WW2 era Naval and Ground Warfare. It's all laser light shows and all, but in a galaxy so advanced there is no reason they would be blowing up clones alone to pseudo settle disputes. There are space ships hovering above the ground. Anything that can do that, can surely scan for dropsuit signatures and disable the life support on any suits in the area. Likewise with Eve warfare, what is the point in blowing up potential salvage when you could just disable life support. Hacking and system disruption would be more likely with everyone fighting in the vacuum of space then WW2 torpedoes and Star Wars/Trek laser shows. The winners of wars are not the ones who fight purely out of attrition.
Here's the thing though, the game needs to be balanced to be fun, not for any semblance of realism. This is the issue that used to exist with tankers after 1.7 (It's diminished since the hardener nerf although Swarms are still garbage and Forge guns are still bugging out misfiring a lot.) We just don't have the render distance to support long range warfare just like we don't have the team sizes to support HAVs that eat everything and run away.
If hitting someone in the torso was always a quick kill (Which from charge/thales for example, you can drop non-proto light suits and two shot non-proto mediums in two.) If you want the one shot kill hit the head. If it was easy to one shot drop suits with a sniper rifle then there would be no point to not using the sniper rifle for anti-infantry which would start the age of SR514. The thing about the Sniper Rifle is that it has a MASSIVE effective range over other weapons combined with a scope and hit scan pin point accuracy. You don't have to account for bullet drop in this game so it's already easier then many other shooters. The downside is that you have to keep your distance or switch to a sidearm/light weapon for commandos if someone gets close. This is called game balance. Ideally every weapon should have things that it can do but not well (Like quick scope at close range for the SR) and then there are things that it is great at doing (headshotting at a distance to drop people who couldn't even see you.) Nothing beats the Sniper Rifle at it's niche. The only other Weapon that comes close is the forge gun, which if anyone thinks that thing is OP then use it. The forge gun is better than the PLC potato cannon but it's far from an easy weapon to kill with.
On that note, in the right hands sniper rifles are deadly. If you aren't doing well with one just keep practicing, it has massive advantages and the high skill requirement is how such weapons are balanced. Take the AR glory days and the RR/CR/HMG now for example. People get upset about those guns not only because they are effective, but because they are easy to use. Look at the weapons nobody really likes/is competitive with. The LR, PLC, and Flaylock are in the rut that they are in because they are mildly effective and hard to use. Or for another example, there are some weapons that are both effective, but people tend to respect one more over the other because it is harder to use. In this case, the shotgun and the nova knife. Both fill the same role of close quarter combat, but you will see more shotguns then nova knives and people tend to respect knifers more then shot gunners. Why? Because, the shotgun is more effective at close quarter combat then the knova knives.
So in the end, the SR is fine where it is. Nothing can touch it's Niche of sneaky death from afar (Forge Gun like the LR has a giant I am here come kill me beam when you use it.) There are many other weapons that need to be addressed on it's niche then the SR for game balance and when it comes to making a good PVP only lobby shooter, nothing is more important than game balance.
As to players having issues with too many sniper rifles in Skirm/Dom. You only need one good sniper to cover an objective and in the case of Skirmish, that one good sniper could move around with the rest of the team/a squad to offer support in capping other objectives. That's why snipers get hate, because in King of the Hill game modes the team doesn't need 5 guys off screen pinging the 10 guys rushing the objective against 5. This game is like a MOBA, (LoL or DOTA2, etc.) Your actions help/hurt your team so people freak out a lot. That's why I always suggest that a Sniper Rifle be an auxiliary weapon that you skill into if you are a new player, because rushing to a charged sniper = ineffective when you run into other new players that rushed to SR, where as you can never really go wrong with multiple players with a AR/CR/RR who later skill into the SR.
Everything above this sentence is my obligatory copy pasta to threads where people go oh gee why aren't sniper rifles more realistic?
You're welcome. |
The Fun Police
Posted - 2014.04.11 18:34:00 -
[2] - Quote
Aszazel wrote:TYCHUS MAXWELL wrote:
Everything above this sentence is my obligatory copy pasta to threads where people go oh gee why aren't sniper rifles more realistic?
You're welcome.
Eh, I skimmed that, something about video games. Kudos for typing that much. I am not pushing for a sniper buff, just showing that we have pretty cool weapons now as it is. I mean, hell, shouldn't an ORBITAL take out the building you're hiding in? What's it made out of adamantium?
copy pasta = copy paste function for those who are new to the internet. Welcome, it's a horrible ****** place. |