So COVERT was created because it dawned upon me that my love of all thing Matari couldn't be reconciled with my ugly ass Caldari main (nearing 40 mill). I wanted to be officially Minmatar in av and character select and file because I love the lore, battle philosophy, weapons, bonuses and dropsuits skins.
My goal is to become a Minmatar battle god with all their gear maxed. I started with proto scout and just last night opened up sentinel and commando standard. Damn are these awesome suits! As I said, I love the bonuses and I don't even care so much about the gimped eHP because they are just so damn ducking cool to use. Gonna get them to advanced before grabbing assault and logi. I can't wait to be a triage logi again. I#ve seen quite a lack of them on the field--I'm often knee deep in depleted armor bars.
The stamina regen on the suits is amazing. Heavy frames have 40 regen, logis 45, assaults 50 and scouts 60. The only suit that can match the Minmatar's lowest rate is the Amarr scout. This makes mobility across the field more enjoyable and better. Having been a logi since closed beta I was finally liberated from that slow ass **** when I became a Minja and now I can't live with out it.
Anyway, my path to skill training endgame is none existent so long as there is new Minmatar gear to master. Once Min related infantry skills are 100% maxed (and core along the way) I'll move onto HAVs, LAVs, DS etc and turrets. I don't even mind that he's 30 mill behind my main...this dude has basically become my main now and once he's caught up a bit more I might even biomas GREY as I only really want one avatar in New Eden. You won't ever see me rocking anything other than Matari suits and weapons cause I'm a merc of the Republic and in rust I trust.

I can't wait to have all that badass Min gear at my disposal.

So yeah, I was curious as to whether there are any others out there doing the same? Doesn't necessarily have to match your av but has anyone else committed to maxing out one race and to use only their suits and weapons? Anyone been able to really identify with a race somehow and enjoy rocking their gear? I didn't even know that the weapons and gear I've used from the get-go were Minmatar (MD, RE, SEVER logi BPO, repair tool) it just so happened that it was and that their mentaility mirrored mine in some ways.